Our tiger hill trek was actually a acclimatization trek in our Advance Mountaineering Course from HMI(darjeeling)
We started in the morning at 6am from HMI Institute campus trekked for almost 1.5hours we took a break in a market on the way to purchase some rainwears because of rains and some food items then we again trekked for almost 1hr and reached the tiger hill which gives you a beautiful view of kunchanjunga mountain if weather allows but we weren't that much lucky that day but we got to see beautiful view of some mountain ranges we stayed there we visited a temple there at the top ate some prasads we discussed about our expedition planning with our instructors which was our task at the end of the course to submit one expedition planning file with each details then we had tea and snacks and we started our journey back to hmi around 11pm and we reached back to HMI around 2pm we had our lunch with batchmates and continued our day in our domes with further schedule