A Golden Experience

Photo of A Golden Experience by sanjeevnanda

Coming back to San Francisco after all these years was a treat and a half. After graduating as an electronic engineer, I had gotten a job near San Jose, back in 2005. This was the first time that I had been out of my country. At first I was apprehensive, but soon, a tight group of friends, and a love for the valleys, made me fall in love eventually. Me and my friends made it a point to visit San Fransisco nearly every weekend. Our Go-to spot, the Pier area, never let us down. Eating sea-food, facing the sea-shore, and admiring the culture that brought it forth, was the highlight of my stay there. In 2014, the unfortunate happened - due to a massive flood in my home state of Kerala, my family had suffered great losses, financially, and morally. I had to return given the circumstances. Everyday, I long to come back to the bay area - and one day, I just might.

~Sanjeev Nanda