Take them along withu u????
I have been in this situation before, Infact i presumed that my parents do not allow me even after i explain them but then i made a plan and sat with my mom and explained her how it works/how safe it is and how i can handle my self through out my journey and trust me it will help. If not for the first time, they are going to agree with your plan eventually. So i would suggest you to do the same, Prepare detailed itinerary and then sit with your parents to explain and make them understand how your trip is safe and how it will help you build your personality.
Haha last time I just ran away from my Home without informing anyone and landed in Jaipur :D :D and it was fun.
Well sometimes parents overdo stuff. I have a friend, he is 21 and his parents won't let him go wander off on his own in the city we live! what I suggest is, you start a part time job(if you're still a student), and if you're earning- well and fine. Start saving. Then just announce one day, to your parents that tomorrow I'm leaving for a trip , I've already booked tickets and hotel, you can either support me or just deal with it. My parents don't say a word negative when I leave. cause I'm spending my money.
First i lie then i try to make a group of friends and take them along with me tell them you love travelling and cant live without it tell them its safe and provide them with all necessary information plan and dates take them along with you
Tell them that you love travel you want to travel
Earn ur own money be self independent. Find friends who cn win ur parents trust. Travel wid dem n live ur life. Ur parents will fear less wen they ll know u r traveling wid someone more mature. Because technically no matter how much u grow up ull always b a kid for dem
They only worry about your safety. but once you start travelling ,no one can stop you good luck
Take help of your friend, who is a girl, to convince your Mom. After that its going to be easy for you and your mother to convince your father. If it didn't work, say that you all are going in group of girls for a trip or otherwise lie that you are going for office work.
Take them along with you. Let them enjoy with you as well.
Take them along with you. Let them enjoy with you as well.
How many days are u being caged in your comfort zone.. It is actually you who is not letting you to travel. When you decide travelling is your desire.. everything will come accordingly
Show them travel blogs of tripoto
Still you have published 52 trips :D
Hi Pallavi! In case you haven't taken that trip yet... I have been in that position and I can understand your situation and I can also tell you that the initial bit will not be a cakewalk. To begin with, try understanding the key concerns of your parents- what scares them? Safety? Responsibility? Choice of destination? First of all, figure if you're ready to travel (mental preparation). Then discuss your plans with them. Tell them your plan of action and most importantly, let them know that you have prepared for the best and the worst. If you're travelling with friends, tell them all about who all are coming and let them have your friends contact details. The first time round, I remember sharing embassy numbers and even comparison of crime rates of Turkey vs India to convince my parents. Lying is easy but terrible, especially if you want to make this easier for you in future. Conversation and some drama along with lots of preparation and determination (along with sensitivity) will get you through!
You should tell them truely by heart and convince them, that travel is your life and and we have a just one life will never come back
1 , Spend a short day trip with your family . 2 , They are worried about your safety , so choose wisely while picking travel agents and keep them in loop . Travel in a group . 3 , Tell them how you feel when you travel .
This is a psychological aspect. if you can call tell your parents that you wish to travel, they should understand your point. ultimately you are the only one who can help yourself out. you have to make sure that your parents are convinced that you stay in your limits and will be safe so that they allow you to travel
One of the solution for this maybe you should make them realize it themselves. Watching some travel blogs or TV programs or news/magazine articles with them might help. Good luck.
Why you need their permission, just do what you have to, time will prove them.