It is like wanting to go to the moon without stepping out of the house. Lying is not the answer. It hurts everyone in the end. Stick to your position and ask your parents to have faith in you and to trust you. My children have travelled the world but I remembered the first time I allowed my daughter on a night train journey to Mumbai, my heart was full of dread. Yes, she had a tough time but she learned so many skills travelling that she is an independent woman now and has a great job in Dubai. She could never reached where she has if I had not allowed her to travel the first time. She got her first job offer from a lucky interview on that Mumbai trip. Remember luck only kicked in after she was allowed to travel. The world is definitely not a safe place but in reality it is safer than the hell we create in our minds sitting at home. Travelling is necessarily the first step required to begin any journey of life. If you want to follow the stars you will have to step out of that house. Or make yourself independent financially and wait till you are a legal adult, then no one can stop you from travelling.
Well for that i need to know certain things about you.... like where are u from and whats your age etc etc.... then only I'll be able to suggest!! And yesss i understand your problem very well!!????
Marry someone who loves to travel .
Just take your parents in confidence that you will be safe.
Take a day trip with a couple of your girl friends and take your parents along with you. All behave as expected of your family culture. Make your parents participative as if they are taking all of you out. Parents are not isolated creatures, they have had their youth and will temember their childhood for their children also.
Some parents dont understand that travel helps us a lot. So tell them that you are visiting the location for project work or training or something related to studies.
You take them along with you
You can tell your parents that you are going for some seminar related to your work .
Travel not big always. Start local. Build trust and confidence.
I lied to my family about my solo trip to Manali :| and it's still a secret that I went there all alone. I told them that I'll be traveling with some other fellow experienced travellers.
@Pallavi Paul - You have got 85+ responses so far. Take a look at each response, and settle for what works the best for you. And please provide a response so that this thread can be closed. @All - Please up vote the comment which rings similar with what you had in mind rather than providing a separate response of the same kind. That way it becomes easier to consolidate opinions :)
Hey Pallavi. If your parents aren't understanding even after you explaining them the itinerary, promising them to stay in touch with them during the trip, explaining them the kind of exposure you will get out of the trip & what it means to you then my friend you aren't left with any choice but to run away. When you return back from the trip safe, sound & happy chances are they would probably agree for the next trip. I hope this helps!
Children should become friend and guide to their elderly parents, stay close to them, show concern and respect. Don't let them feel the generation gap. They were also children like us at one time, remember their own outing times, waiting to be taken out again. Take your parents at times for short outings along with a few trusted friends , make them part of the party. I doubt any parent with confidence in their children will ever object. So, boys and girls, the ball is in your court. Play it decently and well. Regards Narendra
Just how your trip itineraries to your parents and tell them with whom you are going with. If you are quit responsible and mature enough to handle your situation then small lie wont matter much.
Hi Pallavi, This is seen as a common problem with most of the young adults since ages! The answer to the question is self explanatory- if they do not let you travel alone or with friends, travel with them! Surely, taking your parents to places is one of the best way to bond with them! Still if you want to go solo or with your travel mates, here's something for you to know. Some of the major reasons why they do not let kids travel alone are: 1.Trust issues- they may trust you but they can not trust the person you travel with or meet! So try making them familiar with your travel companions. 2.Safety- they worry about the safety of you,be it financial, physical or emotional safety. So assure them about the safety measures you will be taking on your trip in detail. So be confident with your planning and I am sure they will get convinced!
Advice your farent make it journey to lombok or gili trawangan island
Hey Pallavi, you should tell your parents that being a girl, solo travelling will make you more confident and self dependent which is very essential in the modern world. So, you will also be comfortable in your work place and learn a lot of life skills. However, don't argue with your parents, as they always have the best advice for you. :)
Don't tell them. Go out on your own.
Yes, its tricky and to be honest the media is much more to be blamed than anyone else... so lets skip this part. I have traveled extensively in and out of India and still do, and yes i did faced this issue of permissions(now much lesser than before). So here's what you can do. 1. Start with a group tour, which facilitates solo/backpacker travelling like wetravelesolo, indiauntravelled, etc. 2. Since you have never traveled alone, its a good idea to start with above mentioned group which gives you an idea about what to expect when travelling alone and get back to people in case you feel lost/confused. 3. Tell your parents where you headed with a complete breakdown of the itinerary. Where you will be staying, how you will be reachable, people you are travelling with, etc. Be prepared for their queries. Treat it like an interview where you want the interviewer to select you. Don't get irritated, don't get emotional, don't get scared, just be clam and sell yourself and your idea :) 4. Make sure you call your parents daily, maybe twice. They are scared about your safety and this is the least you can do, to make them not loose sleep about your whereabouts (I am 31 years old and I still call my mom daily) 5. Share pictures of the places you travel over facebook, whatsapp,etc. Let them see what you yearn for and why its so important for you to travel 6. Tell white lies. Small lies won't kill you but it will make your parents less anxious. Travelling is a very exhilarating feeling and once you start there is no stopping. As Indians we have been brought up in a very secure family environment and trusting strangers is a big risk. Take necessary precautions. Don't give your loved ones a reason to loose their sleep because of your lifestyle, but let them see the world through your eyes and I am sure they will supportive in coming future. It worked for me and I am sure it will for you. Remember no one knows your parents better than you do. So make a plan and sell your dreams to them. All the best.
Well, that's the problem for most of us. Parents always wants to protect you and in order to do that they don't allow children to travel