Dear Pallavi,
See Buddy! On One Hand It Is Very Difficult For Your Mom n Dad To Allow You For A Solo Trip. Also Arguing With Them Till They Get Convinced Is Not Going To Serve You A Purpose. Your Parents / Guardians Are Concerned About You Because You Are A Girl And Looking Onto The Present Ongoing State Of The Nation, It Is Clearly A No From My Side Also. No Place Is Safer And It Is Onto Us Which Makes Us Do Several Pre-Planned Things To Do Before Heading To The Solo Trip. First Make A Check Off List Of All The Necessary Things For A Solo Traveller. Discuss With Your Siblings If Not Then A Trusted Friend In Girls Of Course. After Doing This Much Home Work Show Your Work (Make Sure Your Studies Doesnt Get Affected From The Trip). If You Have Done All This Then Try A Rehearsed Speech On Your Mom And Dad So They Might Get Confidence On You That There Little Girl Can Take Her Care When Allowed To Go Outside From Home. This Is The Confidence You Have To Build In Them. If This Step Fails Then Try Small Small Trips With Them (Normally 4 To 5 Days). Wait For The Ultimate Time (The Time You Get A Sound Job). In The Meanwhile Inculcate Habits Of Learning Photography, Save Money For The DSLR Camera, Read Books, And Make Good Valuable Friends. A Day Will Come When You Will Go On A Solo Trip. Plan For Europe Trip And Start Saving Money For That Matter. Wait For The Right Time To Come. Cheers Zinda Ho Tum!
It is common ..if any of ur friends is in there where u want to go or anywhere ..just tell them u r going there ..but infrom ur friend u r using her or his name
Girl, This is your life ending one minute at a time. So why not enjoy each nd evry seconds, minutes and live your life king size. One Life hve the best out of it and you are your own Boss
Hey Pallavi. I would like to know. Whether u asked them before. That ur willing to go on a trip. If yes please let me know how they got reacted to that. After that will let know the exact way how u can convience them. For my answer sure ur parents will tell yes. Trust me
Don't tell them lie, tell them Papa I have few years to live my life because I am a girl, and once I get married, I have to deal with every situation what my in laws will give me.. so please give me at least that freedom so I can live my remaining independent life.. because whomever you love.. they will always try to dominate you and will never let you live your life as per your rules.. so they will definitely understand you and will let you go everywhere, but never break their trust ever...
Y can't you try out taking your parents with you for some trips meanwhile u can save on budget and u have a better experience and an approach which can be understood by your parents so as days passes they will understand your passion indeed
Well pallavi, first you gotta see that which place you wana travel and why your parents are gonna reject it? Either they refuse cos they think you cant travel alone or they think that its not safe. First talk to them n understand their reason of refusal only then you will be able to convince them.
Hi Pallavi It is very easy... I hope you are working if not then go to 2nd option
Option 1- if your working then it is very easy.. just tell them about a project (a fake one) and then plan accordingly.
Option2 - if youre a college student and tell them you have been won a excursion trip to your destination like ur going for a competition for _______ and go
I guess you already have your answer in the thread. I'd also start with shirt solo trips so as to build confidence. It's a long winded method, but helps establish trust.
There is no substitute for building trust with parents. Sit and make them understand. However hard it may be, parents will just give in at some point of time.
I dont think that you should lie to your parents, instead you could convince them and make them realise that youve grown up and can take responsibilities and take your own decisions.. And running away from your family is not an option to your every problem
I faced the same problem when I was travelling to Rishikesh alone. So, I suggest you to not to lie but convince them to allow to go, make them believe you are capable of handling all situations. And link your passion for travelling with your career, make them understand how interacting with fellow travellers can help you in future.
And most important thing keep them updated of your well being when you're on a trip, they will feel confident to allow you next time also.
Be honest. They will be just worried coz the world is really bad. If they do not get convinced fite a lil more tgey will agree. But pls dont lie will break them
If u are doing a teachnical course then u can say to your parents that you have to do your internship at this place find any company name at this place and tell this internship required this much time and also say to your parents it is mandatary to do internship.