Still you had completed so many trips
They're probably concerned about your safety. Sit them down, share the detailed itinerary of your trip with them along with the people you'd be travelling with. Provide emergency contacts and introduce your friends to them (if required). They'll feel much safer knowing you'll be fine while traveling with known people.
Yes you can.
Start travelling with them initially their favorite or religious places..and start writing blog..gradually they will allow you
Take them along for the first trip or two and explore some offbeat places.
Have patience!!! Keep trying to convince them and keep growing yourself ...Soon they will me agree with you be positive
Just tell them that you are going for education trip
The best way to convince them is to have a proper conversation with them regarding your trip. Tell them that you would take care of yourself and will be responsible through out the trip. Tell them that you are young and it is right time for you to travel and learn new things and gather new experiences
Please take them with you while travelling & perhaps then they will experience the joy of travelling!! Best wishes & happy journey 🙌
I have stopped convincing. They are parents, worrying about their kid is part of their life. They can't help it neither can stop it. So you can never actually convince them specially of your are a women. So just do it...and keep doing it. Parents will fight every time and you have to be ready for it. My parents are still not convinced even after 5 big solo.travels including international but I am not going to stop. Listening to them will be killing my happiness. So I am nit expecting them to be okay with it but accept it. If you really want to travel solo...just go for it. Travel is not about convincing's about convincing yourself to make the first step.
Dear Pallavi, If you are not alcoholic or not taking any drugs than it's easier to convince your parents. Because I am also a solo traveler I saw many traveller's who came from many other states they consume lot of alcohol and drugs when they reached the tourist destination and this is my personal experience what I saw in my last 4 years of travelling if you are far away from these activities than it's very easier to convince your parents. As you are a Girl so it's obviously worth tense for your parents so Sit along with your parents and talk to them that you are interested in solo or group travelling and it's your passion and you want to see the world 🌍🌍 outside surely they will understand. My case is different somehow. After all these if let me know in comments section what resolution came out... But remember if do some bad activities in tourist places like I mentioned above you are fooling yourself and will spoil your whole life. Thanks and Happy Journey 💟💟💘💘
Start by short day trips with a group of friends, then proceed to weekend trips and week long vacations. Parents are protective to begin with. Once they see that you are responsible and also expanding your horizon by preparing, organising for the trip, taking care of safety and finances, they will slowly warm up to the idea of frequent trips. Good luck! the world is out there for all to the explore and learn
See, it's difficult to argue with them for things they have long believed. If you have become financially independent, then you should cultivate the confidence of doing whatever you have been longing to do. Things like these happen in everybody's home due to the respective circumstances and they are inevitable. What makes you mature is agreeing on the disagreeable and doing your thing. One fine day, your parents too will get accustomed to your travelling solo or with friends. Hope it helps 🐱
Save up money and go for it!!! Indian parents don't understand. I've been on 5 solo trips just like this, and many more to come.
First, you should show them a great travel itinerary so that your parents will not worry about your safety during your travel. Good thing there's Entire Travel Group who can help you plan your dream travel vacation. Visit for more information.
Convincing your parents to let you travel can be challenging, but there are a few things you can do to help persuade them: 1.Understand their concerns: Talk to your parents and try to understand why they don't want you to travel. Perhaps they're worried about your safety or the cost of travel. Once you understand their concerns, you can address them directly. 2.Research your destination: Do some research about the place you want to travel to and share the information with your parents. Show them that you've thought about your itinerary, accommodations, transportation, and safety measures. This will help your parents feel more comfortable with the idea of you traveling. 3.Make a plan: Create a detailed plan for your trip, including your budget, itinerary, and emergency contacts. Share this plan with your parents and show them that you've thought through all the details. Offer to compromise: If your parents are still hesitant, offer to compromise. Perhaps you can travel with a group or take a shorter trip. You can also offer to keep in touch with them regularly while you're away. 4.Be patient: If your parents still don't want you to travel, be patient and try to understand their perspective. Keep the lines of communication open and continue to show them that you're responsible and trustworthy. They may eventually come around to the idea of letting you travel.
It can be challenging to convince your parents to let you travel, especially if they have concerns about your safety and well-being. Here are some steps you can take to help convince them: Understand their concerns: It's essential to understand why your parents are hesitant to let you travel. Is it a financial issue, safety concerns, or other reasons? Once you understand their concerns, you can work on addressing them. Research your destination: Do your research on the destination you want to visit. Look for safe and secure accommodation options, read reviews from other travelers, and make a list of things you want to do and see. Share this information with your parents to show that you've done your due diligence. Offer to compromise: Try to find a compromise that will make both you and your parents happy. Maybe they will allow you to travel if you go with a group of friends or if you choose a destination closer to home. Be responsible: Show your parents that you're responsible and can take care of yourself. Demonstrate your ability to handle money, plan your itinerary, and make smart decisions while traveling. Communicate effectively: It's crucial to communicate effectively with your parents. Explain why traveling is important to you and how it will benefit you. Try to remain calm and respectful, even if they don't initially agree with you. Be patient: If your parents are still hesitant, don't give up. Keep trying to address their concerns and find ways to convince them. Sometimes, it just takes time to change someone's mind. Remember that your parents only want what's best for you. If you can demonstrate that you're responsible and can handle traveling, they may be more willing to let you go.
My personal experience is that travel makes you educated. Exploring new places, new culture, new languages, new customs and cannot learn in books. People who win quiz, KBC and such contests are not the one who sits at home. They explore. This world is full of surprises and learning and can not be achieved in one life time. Either your parents themselves have not explored yet or they are just care for you. Better you take them with you to different places. I did the same and now they themselves encourage me to take them to different places. Good luck
Convince your parents to there favourite places and make a sure to they are enjoy that site
Go with your family or with your best friends ..these friends also known to your family