Without passport Nepal and Bhutan. for other countries you need passport
Nepal nd Bhutan We can visit Without Passport. All other Countries need Passport.
Hi to best of my knowledge below are places where visa is not required for Indian passport holders: 1.Bhutan 2.Nepal 3. Maldives 4.Seychelles 5.Fiji 6.Macau 7.HongKong 8.Cambodia 9.Thailand 10.Morocco 11. Peru Will request to also check with your travel agent.
Nepal, Bhutan, Indonesia
I think every country requires you to present a passport upon entering. Though there are countries that do not require a visa as stated by Mudit. Anyway, is it your first time traveling abroad? Thailand and Cambodia would be great places for first-time travelers because they do not require a visa. If you're afraid you might need a local guide so you can enjoy the country without being anxious. Also, Bangkok to Cambodia is only a 10-hr drive so you might want to jump into this country.