I want to be a solo traveler, how to start?

13 ResponsesDec 24, 2019 2:55 PM Profile photo of Monika verma
Monika verma
wishlistWishlist (1)
Pack your bag, choose one destination and just start. I'm sure, it would be the best days of your life. Happy Travelling!!!
Just decide the place you want to visit, get your bagpack ready, find the cheapest route, talk with people of same interests and let it go. Travel with the flow. All the best!
First make your mindset about traveling solo then choose a destination which is not very far from your place I would say the nearest place from your home then see the expenses on transport, food and then after visiting that place choose a place a bit far from before one like that it would be easy and you can see how much and how you can travel solo. happy traveling 😊
Start With 2-3 days trip. Go yo near by destinations and convert into Big ones.
First start ur step by going individually to outside like for shopping, one day outing like tat, their u ll start enjoying ur own company then u can start discovering new new places to go out....
I would say 1. choose a destination 2. get basic details about that place. things to do and don't 3. do primary research on itinerary. 4. keep some basic self defence things like pepper spray etc. 5. one more thing don't be toooo adventures until u be okay with a place/person. 6. be sober. (since it's gonna be ur first solo) 7. be confident n show it on ur face n attitude. don't shout out its my 1st solo (I know u will b soooo excited). well even if u don't take care of all these still u can go on solo. I decided to go Thailand on dec 2nd booked flight for December 3rd (2016). no planning, nothing. 1st solo that too international. it was exciting, fun, adventures. basically choose a place n go. or just GO... will choose place on the way
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Choose destination,pack your bag and go with Confidence
It’s not big deal but just do your mind set that you are going to travel alone across the world. 1st start with your city only. Just go for 1 night outing alone. If u ok with that then u will get little bit confidence then you can choose near by places and go 2,3 days short trip but just know about every place where you are going. Keep updates to ur close one for safety that’s set. Just pack bag, take enough money, take all details of that place, and go. Jilo apni zindagi as free bird.....😊 all the best.
Start from your own city ..then Explore .then move on..
Start by doing trips to nearby places for short period of days
Pack ur backpack n move out of ur house...
Hi Monika! Here are a few things you should keep in mind when you start travelling solo: 1. Start by taking a trip with one other person and making all the arrangements yourself. This will help you learn how to manage things on your own. 2. Start slow. Take your first trip to a place where you know someone, in case you need help. 3. Pick your destination wisely. Safety, language barriers and travel culture of the place are important points to consider. 4. Consider hiring a guide to help you out the first few times. 5. Pack light. Only pack that much luggage which you can comfortably carry. 6. Be aware of your surroundings and keep your family/friends apprised of your location at all times. Most important of all, be confident but not over-confident and half your job will be done. Check out these trips for more details and information! Happy Travels!
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