Respect the local culture :- When visiting a new destination one of the best travel tips we can give is to learn about the culture and customs. Before you travel, do a bit of research to look into the way the culture dresses and what the accepted behavior is in public. You’ll feel more comfortable as you blend in and you save yourself some embarassement by doing something wrong.
Wherever you go,go with all your heart,enjoy every moment, every minutes n every second you travel
Do lots of homework before going for a trip. watch you tube video read blogs will help you always.
Tip or experience :- create a memory that fills your soul with new energies to accomplish your adventure of life people with different culture and traditions gives a different paradigm to our life.
When you travel just live in the present.
Always confirm by calling the property after booking the hotel because most of the hostels now a days are not accepting bookings from oyo, booking websites as the price is not reasonable
Be respectful about nature and mostly Enjoy the trip
Lighter the luggage, more enjoyable the trip.
Location details like local tourist point, bajet Homestay, food, transport option,
My opinion This is seriously one of the best travel tips we can offer. Get travel insurance before you leave home. A lot of people say, “I only need travel insurance if I am going off the beaten path” but they are wrong. Accidents can happen anywhere best of luck 🤞
Carry less luggage and try local cuisine when you travel
Carry your necessity & health care items & create as lightest as possible in bag carriage. Always keep a goal & ambition to gain/learn things from your trip & explore meeting new peoples, cultures, places, food, good habitats, atmosphere.
Travel light!! always carry light luggage.
Do not throw the waste in the walking areas keep it clean. Keep the backpack 🎒🎒🎒 lighter enjoying the trip without creating any nonsense activities, stay away from alcoholic beverages eat healthy be healthy.
The only thing I will suggest to all traveller's that do not throw their waste materials in the environment because if we do this than who will take care of atmosphere and it will leads to unbalance of nature.
Step out of our comfort zone
Enjoy your moment
Experiencing Local Culture🤗
Just collect the memories through your eyes not with the camera lenses you can collect few shots ofcourse for tripto 😜