LEFT SIDE OF THE AIRCRAFT!!!! Doesn’t matter if you ever web check-in into the flights you take or no, this is one flight where you must. And be sure to choose a window seat on the left side of the aircraft. Hope for clear skies as you land, look out of the window-shield (don’t forget to use your camera) and yes, you can thank me later once you get back. Good Luck!!! Happy Travelling!!!
To be honest, you can get a good view from both the sides. From the left side you will see a lot of smaller islands and the ocean passing through those islands like a river stream and from the right side you will see the vast ocean and one small but extremely beautiful island with clear turquoise waters. I have photos clicked from both the sides. If you would like, I can message those to you. Hope you have a great trip.
You can't really predict where you will get to see the exact view. But i think view should almost be same from both the sides.
I would suggest that it will hardly matters on which side of plane you sit but here is the pro tip: Let's say if you sit on the left side of the plane than while returning you must sit on the left side, This will help you in getting both the type of views. One side while going and other while returning. Happy travelling!!
Hi, Suppose you are sitting on the right side while going to the place and got the view then at the time of return you must choose the left side. Happy Travelling! Thanks, Yasmin
Any side but do take a window seat.