As a kid, we all used to pretend that we are an airplane, a bird, anything that flew through the air. Then we all put that free-falling stuff in our Bucket List. But when the time will come, when you are commanded to bend your knee and jump that moment just feels like a blank mind got all of his freedom.
Run through the yard with arms spread out like an airplane, simulating weird engine noises whenever it makes a turn or goes into a steep dive. Just Wow❗
Hundreds of thousands of other people have already done this, but this time that list includes you too. And it's just not about jumping off a plane or Registered yourself as an Adventurous it's actually more than that, it's a spontaneous reaction toward consequences, it's about having good thought while having your left leg inches away from the plane edge which is flying at 15000 Feet. But we convince ourselves to do that insanely and happily. And when we feel the ground on our shoes that feels like conquering a battle, A Battles of Wrong thoughts, A battle of Fear.
Finally the D- Day came.
I checked in at the reception. As I had already completed the multiple online paperwork, where basically you sign your life away and waive the Tandem of any liability in the event of a mishap (injury or death), I just had to sign the waiver that I already read all the safety rules and watched their video and responsible for my life. This may look to you as the hardest part where you're gambling your life but in reality, I didn't feel anything as I didn't want to go home without diving that day!
We, the skydiving virgins, are shown a five-stage cartoon: cross arms, head back, knees bent, jump. One tap on the shoulder to open your arms. Second, it brings arms to the chest as the parachute opens. Knees bent for landing.
Bring an extra layer if you want but part of the fun is feeling the rush of air and although it is colder at high altitudes.
Have a light breakfast so that you won't starting burping at 15000feet.
And Enjoy, Stop all those worries and just Enjoy while falling at 120miles per hour, Just like a bird.
Accomplishment -
You just did something that most people don't have the courage to do.
Here is a link which leads you leads to 5 mins.of total insanity
Tripoto: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sE6AeQIV-n0&feature=youtu.be
Mach's Gut!!
Happy Jumping and Freedom!