Top 5 Coldest Cities In The World By Ross Bracken І Ross Bracken Liverpool


Ross Bracken, Ross Bracken Liverpool will explaining details about top 5 coldest cities in the world. Ross Bracken, Ross Bracken Liverpool believes if you are a true winter lovers so you most to visit on these coldest places in your lifeline.

1 – Oymyakon, Russia

Photo of Top 5 Coldest Cities In The World By Ross Bracken І Ross Bracken Liverpool by Ross Bracken

As anticipated, another megacity in Russia follows in the top list of world’s coldest metropolises. Oymyakon is a small city with no further than 500 occupants, thriving in a typical downtime temperature of-50 °C. Requests in the megacity do not indeed have to worry about fish or meat going bad because they’ll stay firmed just from being exposed outdoors. But do anticipate annoying frozen pipes and the ineluctable frostbite!

2 – Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Photo of Top 5 Coldest Cities In The World By Ross Bracken І Ross Bracken Liverpool by Ross Bracken

Ulaanbaatar is the largest megacity and capital of Mongolia, home to just under1.5 million citizens.

The temperature during the summer can go up to 25 °C, with cooler nights around 11 °C. When the colder months start rolling in, the megacity can witness downtime lows of-40 °C.

3 – Harbin, China

Photo of Top 5 Coldest Cities In The World By Ross Bracken І Ross Bracken Liverpool by Ross Bracken

Harbin is a megacity located in the northeast of China and is popularly called the “Ice City” of the country. Winter lows will generally range from-22 °C to-24 °C around January.

Part of Harbin’s periodic tradition is to host a snow and ice form jubilee, the biggest one yet in the entire world. The jubilee generally exhibits beautiful frozen castles and ice halls that are relatively indelible!

4 – Winnipeg, Canada

Photo of Top 5 Coldest Cities In The World By Ross Bracken І Ross Bracken Liverpool by Ross Bracken

Winnipeg is the capital of Manitoba, a fiefdom located in the middle of Saskatchewan and Ontario, Canada. During January, Winnipeg will frequently witness downtime lows ranging from-21 °C to-23 °C.

5 – Fairbanks, United States

Photo of Top 5 Coldest Cities In The World By Ross Bracken І Ross Bracken Liverpool by Ross Bracken

Another beautiful place to witness the gorgeous Northern Lights is in the Alaskan megacity of Fair banks. However, anticipate average downtime lows of-22 °C, if you’re visiting around January. However, also you’ll find lots of joy when exploring the icy wonderland of Alaska, if you call yourself a downtime nut.

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