Tibetan Song and Dance


Tibetan Song and dance are other important topics about Tibetan Culture and way of life we would like to discuss in this website. Many consider Tibet as the ocean of Songs and Dance, besides the popular notion of Tibet being an ocean of spirituality and wisdom. Since childhood, all the children are introduced to songs and dances. Tibetan song and dance are used as a medium to introduce the Buddhist philosophy to young ones and teach them of the reality to human existence and Norms.

We have dances and songs for all occasions. Different categories of Tibetan songs and dance are; Wedding, Love, Archery, social Gathering, folk, Drinking, Labor and we even have Tibetan song and dance to introduce the Buddhist teaching and life story of the enlightened being. Songs and Dances are deeply connected to our life in Tibet.

On the vast open area of Tibetan plateau, Lonely nomads catering herd of their animals would be accompanied by their songs and to express their feelings.

Travel to Tibet, the first thing you will notice is a people playing songs in the street. which would be your first experience in Tibet. Everywhere you will go you will constantly hear some music. In the spiritual places, you will hear chants and in the marketplace, you will constantly hear songs. We love songs and dance. We have a song and dance for every occasion. During your visit to Tibet, we will be often invited by your Tibet travel agency in Lhasa for the dinner with the song and dance performance.
