This is the travelling generation. With Facebook and Instagram being flooded with check-ins of people from across the globe, we just love to travel. Each of you will have a set list of places to visit before you die; either inspired by someone or just childhood dreams. This short piece will not recommend places to catch a glimpse of, instead it is a checklist of the activities that should form a part of your travel.
1. Rent a scooty and explore the city on your own. No fond memories will come out of opting for well-guided tours.
2. Go to a new place and spend a week doing nothing but eating and drinking the local cuisine.
3. Get a tattoo- one of the cool gifts you can give yourself while in a new city. I know a person who has the map of the world on his back and he shades the country every time he visits a new one.
4. Make out with a complete stranger- an added incentive if you do not understand the language he/she speaks.
5. Make out in a public place ;)
6. Kiss under the Eiffel Tower: the most romantic place needs to be on your list.
7. Have dinner at the beach: The tranquil waves and the sand: couldn't ask for anything better.
8. Plan an impromptu road trip.
9. Go to the airport with your passport and take the next flight.
10. Buy native wear.
11. Attend a local wedding.
12. Stay at a local's place: You will end up having foster relatives.
13. Visit the seven wonders of the world in one go.
14. Explore a cave.
15. Be a part of a flashmob in the new place.
16. Sleep under the stars.
17. Teach surfing as a job.
18. Take a hot air balloon ride at the sunset.
19. Do something incredibly spontaneous that you'll regret later.
20. Travel alone; with friends and with your guy/girl.
21. Eat something crazy, something you'd never believe you will. I am a vegetarian and while I was in China, I tasted a grasshopper and extremely bizarre foods.
22. Travel with just your hand luggage for a couple of months : I believe it is impossible for me, but definitely worth a try.
23. Sell all your stuff and be a nomad.
24. Party till sunrise; you'll meet lots of cool people.
25. Publish your story in a travel magazine.
26. Become a member of the 'Mile High Club'.
27. Learn a foreign language and visit that alien land.
28. Go to a place where you do not understand a single word of the country.
29. Visit a site that you just saw in a movie.
30. Learn cooking a popular dish of the country.
31. Get drunk with strangers ; nothing interesting started by eating a salad.
Feel free to add more to your list. Go ahead and knit your own dazzling stories.
Photo Credits: Google Images