The word vacation, in the context of our current lifestyles, evokes an image of a place that is far away from a city. A place that is filled with trees and waterfalls, animals and birds that are blissfully unaware of the sound of a horn. Not everyone can take a vacation of this sort. Work takes you to cities and the most populated locations of the cities at that (Hotels Near Gemini Flyover). Finding a place to stay here might seem like a humdrum task that you don’t give so much thought to. But, stop. What if I were to tell you that you could get a taste of a vacation this work trip? What if you could stay cocooned away from the pollution inside a lush and green home-like space. Because when work takes you all over the world, home is a vacation!
Staying at a Hotels Near Gemini Flyover or a service apartment can be boring and dull, especially after a hard day of work. With the Hanu Reddy Residences, at Poes Garden and Wallace Garden in Chennai, you can come back to a home-like boutique stay. You can now unwind from technology and connect with nature, right in the middle of a bustling city like Chennai, at the Hanu Reddy Residence. At the Hanu Reddy Residences, you can have the best of both worlds indeed.
If you’re still wondering why you should explore a boutique home-stay that you think is not as safe a bet as that Hotels Near Gemini Flyover that you always crash at, be prepared to be convinced of why a service apartment is a better suit for someone like you.
Point number one. Lighting. When the room is not well-lit, when the bedside lamp is dull, there is very less you can do. Especially if you’re looking to cut down on some screen time and do some reading. At the Hanu Reddy Residences, the lighting in the room is not only aesthetically pleasing but is also practically beneficial. These rooms were decorated and designed keeping in mind the wants and needs of someone like you.
Secondly, S P A C E. Hotel rooms are cramped with a huge bed and a desk that can barely be used. You pay for a room and get only a bed to live on. At this boutique home-stay, the inside of the rooms is not only fitted with beautiful furniture, but they are put together in such a way so as to deliver to you that perfect breathing space you need for some energizing start of the day workout or some rejuvenating yoga before a peaceful night’s sleep.
Speaking of peace, one of the greatest benefits of any service apartment is that you no longer have to tolerate noisy corridors. At Hanu Reddy residences especially, peace is embedded within the very walls. The calming colours, tranquil furniture and soothing artwork at this unique residence work together to give you the peace that you crave and deserve!
At hotels, asking for something you need is not only a task, what with all the floors between you and the reception, but is also subject to a time-constraint. One of the most important things that the staff and employees at the Hanu Reddy Residences keep in mind is the particular demands and wants of the guests. Whatever you need will be given to you, just the way you want it. At Hanu Reddy Residences, the staff and employees are devoted to the idea of hospitality. They aim to make meaningful connections with the guests to make them feel received as if they were at their own home. So when you arrive at the Hanu Reddy Residences and are asked to make yourself at home, know that it is more than just a welcome phrase.