I really don't get it when people are on vacation and are continuously checking their phone...Why can't these people make a choice between Looking at Phone or the Amazing Mountains?
Common Man, you have booked this hotel in a valley surrounded by green pasture just to refresh your mailbox?? I understand that you have a corporate life back at the city, there are people who are looking for your one "precious" email or message, but how much time does this task take, and how much time -you actually spend on your phone; Ask yourself.

It was one of our experiences at a hotel at Chakrata in the Uttarakhand state of India. This place is located at 2100 meters above sea level and the beauty of the place lies in the scenic view of surrounding mountains.There was no TV in our hotel room, nor in the restaurant area and there were a few mobile chargers in the restaurant area.When we spoke to the hotel staffs they said the reason behind making this eco-friendly lodges is they want their guests to go out and enjoy the beauty of the mountains rather than sitting in their room and watching television.The concept behind making this hotel is letting the people enjoy themselves, experience peace and relax in nature's lap. And he sounded so correct.
When we both "the footloose couple" travel to any place we make sure that we spend maximum time with the people around or in nature-because for us travelling means exploring new places and new people.I remember during our Goa trip last year, we were looking for an authentic Goan bakery shop, we googled and there was a list in front of us-Which one to choose?? The same evening we were walking along the beach side and there we saw a man who was selling muffins and cupcakes- and for the next 30 minutes, he was our Google leading us to the famous goan bakery shop in Bogmallo.I don't know if it's the "the best bakery shop in Goa" but by the the kind of stuff and the taste of those fresh homemade muffins we had- I can say "it's the best muffin shop in Goa".All thanks to the stranger...
So next time when you pick your phone or switch on your TV in a hotel room, think about what else you can do instead. If you follow these five habits whenever wherever you travel- I am sure your journey will be more interesting and memorable.
Go wandering- It's not necessary that you have to find a spot on google and then take a cab to reach those places. Take a stride around your hotel or nearby places so that you can know more about the place. Search a destination for Yourself by Yourself.
Spend some alone time- Sit around and spend some time with yourself. It's very important that we relax our soul and think with our head and heart for some time.Think about Yourself. Appreciate the beauty of Nature, Appreciate Yourself
Talk to local people -Make friends and speak to the local people and ask about the places and food-anything that you want to know.This might give you an opportunity to know something that even Google doesn't know and then Give some information to Google
Shopping or do some window shopping- We don't like to indulge in shopping but there's no harm to take a walk around the market and know the local goods or local arts or craft. May be you will find Souvenir.
Try the Local Cuisines -I think a journey isn't complete until you a give the taste of local food to your palate. Try to find the local restaurants that will serve the local authentic food.Discover more about the food culture of that place.Build your Food memories
So next time when you come back from a trip, make sure you don't just have those hundreds of pictures in your camera- You have some Good Memories attached with those pictures....
"Only one who wanders finds new paths." -Norwegian proverb
Happy Travelling!
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