Solo traveling is the most popular hashtag on social media. Like pubbing and clubbing, its considered cool to travel solo and strike off this item on the bucket list of social media's list of achievements.

My first solo trip was in 2013. And I still can't forget how strong that made me feel. It was a very short trip to Chail in Himachal Pradesh, not very far from Delhi. It was only a 2 day trip. Considering all my trips after that, it was the most simple and easiest trip for me as a Solo traveler. But that trip actually helped in breaking a barrier in my mind and heart.
Even before that , I had never traveled like a follower in any group or family trip.I used to be the initiator and planner of most of my group friends or family trips. So how different or difficult it could be to go solo...i know how to plan , how to interact with taxi drivers or how to ask directions and how to take care of my what else would be new in a solo trip...
It was not planning, it was neither logistics nor was the feeling of being alone at strange new places with strangers. It was not the courage of talking to taxi or hotel guys, it was courage to talk new people and make friends with them. It was more about enjoying your own company and not getting bored with yourself.
I have traveled to many distant and remote places solo after that, and that too for longer durations. 2 years back, i have also done my first solo international trip without international roaming, relying only on free wifi. I've traveled to places without mobile connectivity and spent wonderful time alone, but the first solo trip of 2 days still has a special place in my heart.

What i have learnt from my solo trips during last 6-7 years are:
you meet the best people when you are traveling solo. And, you come to know about so many inspirational and interesting stories of strangers. You don't fear to talk and trust strangers; you start believing more in humanity and kindness of others You start enjoying your own company, start loving roaming around alone to explore new places You cherish lunch/dinner or coffee dates with yourself; you stop feeling shy in sitting alone at restaurants and cafes you don't need mobile or internet to spend free time... You pack only what you can carry yourself (and not only for 5-10 mins)
Solo travel made me a different person from who i used to be; which also helped me in my personal and work life as well, after the travel. So i request all of you to go at least on one solo trip to experience a new you, not only because its a trend !