The YVC airport looked kind of old, with carpet that looked like it belongs in a retirement home. We went through security check really fast and went on to find the train.
After half an hour we arrived on Granville Road, the centre of Vancouver. Our hostel, st. Clair's, was cute, small, and really convenient. It didn't include a kitchen, but it was great for getting to know the city and was close to everything we wanted to see. Maybe also because our Dutch legs don't mind walking through the whole city, but also because of the location. Our room had 4 beds, and we stayed there with I think 5 different girls during the 4 days here.
Our jetlag couldn't stand in our way of finding a burger. We did find out that there are almost no MacDonalds in Vancouver, and we were really looking forward to fast food (München Airport has almost no food services, only a really expensive restaurant, and we had to stay there for 7 hours). In Gastown, an old part of Vancouver, we found a hipster organic burger place. It was nice, and my vegetarian friend was completely in her place.

Cycling is one of our favorite exercises in the Netherlands. After cycling for 6 hours this day our legs became tired and we discovered that we had to go all the way back. Not our best idea.
The day was awesome. We went through the whole of Stanley Park, the whole Seawall, and after that went to Granville Island and cycled around there. It is amazing how such a big park can still be maintained so well in a city like this. My opinion on Vancouver itself, architecture wise, is not that good. Since my father is an architect, I look kind of critically at buildings, and I find that there's only a small number of "pretty" buildings. I just don't like the style.
Back to the park. It is amazing. With sights over the sea when you go around the seawall, and lakes and gigantic trees when you turn left. We didn't think for a second that we should go back home because we were bored or anything. We felt like children again when we climbed in trees whenever we saw one that was "climeable" (is that a word?)
Great day, and I would suggest everyone to try this!