A random weekend getaway from the vivid Vancouver island that is peaceful, serene and everything contradictory to the vague land of Vancouver.
An almost 3 hour ferry ride that transports you from a place hidden from humans to a place full of robotic humans (not being serious here-call it a metaphorical exaggeration).
Darby's pub. Stanley Park. A random famous scientist who dwells there. Spanish banks to English bay. Million shops in Downtown to Science world. This place is filled with a lot of untold stories.
The old Sylvia hotel being one of them- creepy yet eerily fascinating.
Or the Granville street infamous for it's display of prostitutes (both genders- if you were wondering). Also including the Davian Denman area that is *coughs* lit AF. You might see a lot of rainbows out there.
The once known Olympic village (2010) is now transcendentally transformed into an apartment building.
Another thing I found interesting- the streets in Vancouver are named after the provinces of Canada.
Also if you think you might bump into some Hollywood celeb, let me break the sad news to you. THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, unless you are lucky enough. (I wanted to meet Grant Gustin but LIFE).
P.S.- If you don't know who is Grant Gustin then how can you "Flash" that Gleeful face while reading my article? ;)