I'm a beginner writer at RateWritingServices who loves to travel. Recently I visited Australia and have a lot of impressions, which want to share with you.
Education is the fundamental basis for economic growth of any country in the world. In Australia, the education system has been highly inequitable in the sense that educational access and achievement have been closely related with social and economic status of the country. It is important to note that the failure to address the current inequality in the Australian education system will result in an increase in the economic inequality in terms of employment. As a result, the Australian economy will face challenges in sustaining productive growth and competing in the international market successfully.
The basis of education inequality in Australia is propagated early in person’s educational life. The participation in preschool programs is usually low because the early childhood education especially for the disadvantages is often derelict. In Addition, the total expenditure for the pre-school education is often low when compared to countries such as Canada. This accounts for the wide inequality evident in pre-school in terms of access. In the absence of such inequalities, the Australian economy can achieve long terms economic benefits resulting from the reduced welfare dependence and substantial increase in national economic productivity.
Although the inequality is decreasing in secondary education because private schools receive less government sponsorship than public schools, the students in private school enjoy a competitive advantage compared to public schools that are attended by disadvantage students. The facilities in public school are usually unfavorable, so it is extremely difficult to attract quality teachers. Various studies have revealed the family background, and learning environment influences, the student performance and eventual outcome. In addition, the students from the disadvantaged background normally have a limited access to the modern learning technologies due to their socio-economic status. The situation is usually worse when the student is located outside the urban settings. It is evident that the digital disparity is extremely wide in Australia. The access to information plays a vital role in improving students’ learning opportunities, and acts as a motivation for the low performing students. Therefore, the disparity in access to communication technology leaves the disadvantaged student in the darkness in terms of information access.
Furthermore, the majority of the students are usually in most instances unable to make informed choices because of the inadequacy of information on the income returns anticipated from numerous educational efforts. In addition, most people are normally unable to pursue their preferred educational choices as a result of shortage of resources. In the employer’s domain, most employees are often discouraged from employing low educated people because of the elevated cost that is associated with training. In these circumstances, its education markets tend to work imperfectly in optimizing the utility.
Although Australia has already invested heavily on education markets through the provision of free compulsory education, and a highly subsidized higher education, the country has yet to achieve the equality standards in access of education especially to the disadvantaged. With regard to the international education standards, Australian education systems rank high in the list and the trends are projected to stands in the several years. Nevertheless, the variation in academic performance between high and low performing students is extremely high. The outcome of these differences is projected to be reflected in the county’s economic outcome. The factors behind such differences are not hard to find, since they are clearly projected in the country’s economy.
The Australian government expenditure on education and active labor market training programs is very low, especially when compared to other internationally recognized countries. The amount of GNP spends on the education has been found to flow directly to the able students instead of disadvantaged ones. This has led to the widening of the performance gap between the students from a wealthy background and those from disadvantaged families. In addition, the Australian education system relies more on private financing, an aspect that tend to favor students from economically stable backgrounds. For instance, the wealth Australian families spend more than 2.6 times in each of their children’s education than the poorest 20 percent of families.
The implications of the education inequality have been manifested in the Australian labor market. This is because the inequalities observed in the education system tend to be carried forward to the labor market. Australia has one of the largest inequalities of private income with exclusion of the government welfares and levies. It is also evident that the imperfect policy that targets education resources is evident in different parts of the Australia training and education arrangement. Furthermore, there exists a wide difference of work distribution in the labor market. Other than problems of under and unemployment, in Australian labor market, there are a high proportion of low skilled occupations that need individuals with low educational attainment. Therefore, low educated persons end being jobless.
The Australian government needs to understand the importance of wider accessibility to education, due to its importance in enhancing the efficiency in the labor market and in the elimination of eventual employment disparities. The rapid and dynamic global change makes Australia need a flexible supply of labor. However, it is likely to fail if the existing inequality in the education system that limits education choices is not resolved in time. The inequality is currently constrained by the financial constraints emerging form the failure of market structures. In Australia, it is anticipated that the ageing population is increasing at a high rate; this implies that the dependency ratio is expected to increase. In response, Australia is striving to improve the employment participation especially to those that are underemployed and unemployed. The recent government studies indicate that such initiative will play a vital role in eliminating the inequalities and enhancing the school to work transition which wills result to an increase in the workforce participation and consequently the improvement in the Income per capita. In addition, unemployment risks will be reduced significantly.
In an economic point of view, inequalities in education influence the Australian national productivity. Inequality in the education system is a perfect sign of an economy that is under-performing. It is vital to note that the reduction of such inequalities permits smart and enthusiastic people to achieve their educational and employment aspirations. This is consequently replicated in the national economy, since low crime cases are reported, as well as the need for government welfare. As a result, the Australian economy will have an opportunity to achieve a more robust and innovative economy.
Education is recognized as a key pillar that propels the economic growth. The economic forecast that analyzes the job content, wage trends and the changing nature of the Australian market competition all points to the increasing need for workers with high levels of skills. However, meeting the increasing needs in the skill levels will be difficult as long as the gaps based on the income in the educational attainment will remain. It is evident that the income is becoming more unequally distributed as a result of inequality in education. Furthermore, without concerted efforts to address the inequality, this problem is unlikely to fade. The Australian government needs to strive towards eliminating the inequalities obstacles; this will play a critical role in eradicating the resulting economic inequality. It can be achieved through coordinated intervention on education inequalities, focusing mainly at the disadvantaged students in the public school. This will eventually lead to the development of a fairer and more productive society.
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