Beer aficionados in India, unite. We are the ones that truly understand the meaning of having a good time. Beer is a very very convenient drink, and one would be lying if one says that it’s a lot easier to keep up the party with any other liquor. Because, well, it’s not.
All of us have had a beer at least once in our lives, and the fortunate ones of the lot fell in love with it over time.
Beer goes perfectly well with travelling, since one can start a beer party almost anywhere; whether it’s the hills or the deserts, just open a bottle and start having the time of your life. Also, it’s available everywhere because of its massive popularity. Our nation prides itself in being one of the largest beer consumers in the entire world, and we can’t complain honestly.
We are ranking down 15 beer brands in India based on the Venn diagram of availability, taste and price. (Yes, we did that sort of a thing!) So without further ado, here are the best beers available in our country:
Top beer brands in India
15. Foster’s

To be honest, Foster’s only manages to get into this list because it comes cheap and can be had almost throughout the night without caring about the hole it’s going to burn in the pocket. Because, it will not.
14. Daredevil

One of the ‘strongest’ beer brands on this list, hence the taste is obviously preferred by the common people. But surprisingly this beer is available at a lot of places where there aren’t any beers available. Hence, it finds a spot second to last in our list.
13. Kalyani

A South Indian legend, this is. Available almost everywhere when one goes travelling down south, and so its place in this list is justified. But, its taste is really nothing to write home about.
12. Miller

Good colour, average price, but one will find it difficult to keep drinking this beer throughout the night by the campfire without having the temptation of switching to a different one if available. Its availability is also an issue.
11. Carlsberg

Their punchline of being “Probably the best in the world” is ironic because it’s far from the best even in countries that don’t produce much beer themselves. Surprising even though it’s a huge brand, it’s not available at most places.
10. Stella Artois

This Belgian brew lands a place in our list’s top 10 owing to its great taste. Otherwise, it’s expensive and notoriously absent from most beer stores and bars across the country.
9. Corona

Great taste in this beer, but it’s the price that lets you down. Corona is one of the beer brands in India that is available at almost all the chic pubs; only the chic pubs, mind you. That’s why it’s landed so low in the list.
8. Godfather

We wonder how and we wonder why, but Godfather is unanimously present across all the hill stations we tread to in India. Maybe because it’s a strong brew and one bottle is enough for its target group of bus/truck drivers to keep awake through the night driving in the hills? Well, we aren’t complaining either!
7. Hoegaarden

One of the most delicious beers currently available in India, Hoegaarden makes the cut solely on the basis of its taste. But the fact that it’s expensive and almost absent everywhere ensures that it’s only no. 7 on the list.
6. Tuborg

Well, we aren’t too fond of Tuborg’s taste, but by golly is it available everywhere! This Danish brand has probably unlocked the distribution secret in India like no other. For it to be able to survive in the market for this long without actually having a taste is an achievement in itself.
5. Kings

Aah, what is Goa without Kings, eh? Some of the best memories with our friends in this country have been created with a Kings beer by our side. Although unavailable throughout the rest of the country, but its taste and a paltry price of Rs. 28 per bottle from a Goan general store gives it an inevitable position of 5 on this list.

4. Heineken

Heineken is an almost perfect combination of taste, price and availability in our country; and that’s quite a task to say the least. Available unanimously across thekas and pubs alike, Heineken is one of the most popular beers in the world.
3. Kingfisher

Well, if you were wondering, here it is! The Indian classic that is Kingfisher is not just a beer, it’s a religion in itself. Fine taste, good price and great distribution is what makes KF the most widely consumed beer in India.
2. Bira

A cult classic, shall we say? Definitely the tastiest beer blend to have ever come out of our country, Bira has toppled records like balling pins within its short span of existence. One major issue is obviously its availability, and that is why it is not right at the top in our list.
1. Budweiser

To be honest, were you expecting it to be any other here at the zenith? Budweiser is a legend throughout the world and it’s no different here. This great American beer has inspired so many beer brands in India to come into existence. Its name today, has become synonymous with “beer”. It falls bang in the middle on our Venn diagram of price, taste and availability, and that’s why the “Bud” is the best beer available in our country today.
This list only makes us ask one question, where's our beer right now?
Did we miss out on any of your favourite beer brands in India? Or do you differ from our rankings? Let us know in the comments section below.
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