Whenever we talk about Egypt or even try to imagine the very place in our mind the first image that strikes is for sure the mighty pyramids! which too was my first priority to see in the country ,however since I've titled my blog as the undiscovered Egypt, I'm therefore going to do the full justice to the title and tell you to travel to the Egypt is not only deserts but a lot more..
First let us talk about the basics and the preliminaries i.e a brief description about the country. My stay in Egypt was for a total of 23 days out of which 10 days were solely devoted to tourism and throughout my stay here are the following conclusions or parameters that i would like to know.
1. Language knowledge (arabic) is extremely necessary, you should always be handy with a translator app in your phone and have an idea about the numbers since english is hardly known to the people.
2. transportation is extremely reasonable and would definitely enjoy traveling across places since the rail networks are extensive and the fares are great.
3. the rural people as compared to the urban areas are much more hospitable.
4 alert! be firm because people have a habit of extracting undue money in the form of tips without even giving a chance you to blink your eye.
Now coming to the travel description, what Egypt has to offer is exceptional and also beyond expectations as even for me the experience had been of a kind.
Talking about the Giza Pyramids they are at a drive of 45 mins from the Cairo city, and an Uber is pretty viable to go there. the complex has 9 pyramids and the site is exotic however I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy the expensive tickets inside the pyramids as such they have nothing to offer from inside except a hefty tiring trek upwards in dark! The sphinx is a mighty piece and one cannot refrain from giving it an awe gaze as I did

Now let us come on the aspects I had been waiting to tell you about, the unknown..

The Black and White Desert
The Sahara desert is known to be one of the greatest wonders of the africa and within it it has a great beauty to offer and amidst the eastern Egypt in the Sahara lay the decay of the oldest sea of the world which once segregated the Gondwanaland with the Eurasian plate and now is the beautiful white desert, the area is constituted of crystals and and fossils that look phenomenal, the crystal mountain has a marvelous cave which inside it has sand as soft as satin..

As we drove around in the desert safari where our guide told us that there will be a point where we can’t refrain from exclaiming out “wallah” (wow)and indeed yes, that is what happened the desert had an exceptional view to offer, the limestone within the desert looks as if they are glaciers.

The black desert also has an amazing history just from a distance of 2 hours, the black desert which now stands as it today is the descendant of the mighty volcanoes that existed once before the conception of the man..this make them the oldest volcanoes of the world.
Now let me describe the night, you might have want to stay at five star hotels however I stayed under the billion stars, at night me and my friends camped at white desert under the blanket of clear sky and wonderful constellations over a little hill of limestone. As relayed and thanked god for giving us such a blessing to be there, our dear guide Mohammed along with his 3 friends by that time lined their cruisers and set our sitting arrangement and cooked lovely bbq chicken along with beduin tea for us. We slept in the middle of the desert and had our sleeping bags where I chatted and learnt about their culture as I talked to my rural friends, the experience was so overwhelming that a little fox also joined us throughout our stay which made it even more special.

The next day when we woke up since the wind was so strong we all had sand a over our faces and body so we went to the Farfara oasis and the greatest aspect of the oasis was the sparkling and unusual appearance of the water as it was high on sulphuric and iron content which made it look so beautiful and addition to not only looking beautiful, believe me it had conditioning properties too my hair felt as if it had been conditioned with a high brand conditioner whereas my skin felt so soft and moisturized. Those two days and one night at the black and white desert was one great cherishing experience which I had in Egypt. One advise that I would like to give the readers is that it exclusively recommended to people who are camping freaks and can agree to give up on phone networks and comfort living and completely surrender to the bounties of nature.
here I wind up with my first leg of describing my exploration of Egypt. Stay tuned for more! happy travelling.