Traveling solo to Egypt is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. As problems arose, I became more resourceful in order to solve them, which in turn gave my self-confidence a boost.
Above all, it’s the people you meet that make a trip memorable. Whether it’s a local who took you to his favorite restaurant, or a new traveling friend who shared part of your journey, the connections are what you’ll remember most.
I have always wanted to visit Egypt and it was the first country on my bucket list. As a child , I was amazed at the pictures of the Sphinx and the Pyramids on the television and of course the stories of King Tut.
One thing I have learned from trotting around the globe Is that the news media makes most places sound a lot scarier than they actually are. Egypt is one of those countries that is regarded as unsafe. But let’s think about this for a minute , which country is really safe right now?(and if you go on to US State Department's website you will probably be convinced that if you are a US citizen Terrroist will be looking for you. If you step into Egypt .Sounds scary right ?! I have been to Egypt twice within a year and not once did I felt unsafe there . I remember the first time I arrived in Cairo I felt like I went back into time . I was in a daze in a very good kind of way. I just couldn’t believe I had finally fulfilled my dream . Can you imagine been born in a country ( Jamaica) which is considered a third world country and never dream of ever leaving there much less visiting,the country of the Pharaohs?There was no words to express my feeling at that precise moment.
I arrived at the airport in Cairo, and I had to purchased a visa. The cost is $25 US dollar
The following morning I went to the Cairo museum. ( The symbol of Faith) I have been to quite a few museum across the world but in my opinion nothing could ever compare to Cairo’s spectacular Egyptian museum. They have so
Many treasures there that they don’t even know what to do with them. (Imagine 5000 yrs of artifact , I can’t even imaging rapping my mind around that .As we know the Egypt culture has thousand of years of recoded history . It can’t get any better than that .
The main attraction for me were the items from the tomb of King Tut .The King who was buried with incomprehensible amounts of treasures and which are on display. King Tut carriage and mask took my breath away. Also the jewelry the beautiful jewelry from that time period. Don’t for a minute think those beautiful treasures aren’t guarded . Cause guess what ? Security guards were everywhere. One word to describe the museum unbelievable!
I went to Egypt in April of 2007 with a flight attendant I met while I was vacationing in Dubai. I've done a fair amount of traveling and seen famous landmarks like the Coliseum and the Parthenon, but the pyramids at Giza are uniquely established in popular culture, so that virtually everybody is familiar with them from childhood. This creates a unique sensation which is compounded by the enormity of the structures themselves, something which is hard to appreciate from photos with desert backdrop and nothing to measure them against.
It's hard to describe the overall feeling of seeing the pyramids up close, but the immensity is overwhelming. The Great Pyramid was originally 481 feet high and was the tallest man-made structure in the world for almost 4,000 years. It stands today at 455 feet, but it's hard to take in the height from up close. The more striking thing is the size of the individual blocks, which you have to climb rather than step.
The Great Sphinx is located within the same compound. You can no longer get right up to it, so you have to walk around from a distance. That too took my breath away .
Traffic is INSANE. No one uses the painted lanes on the roads. Horns are constantly honking. People jump in and out of buses in the middle of the road. And that road is being shared by everything from cars to buses etc... I love Egypt but I am very scared to cross the road, I could never see myself driving there ( laughing)
I absolutely love Egyptian food, I tried , Aish Baladi, baba ghanouch,
Taste-wise, hummus has a bit of a nuttier, bean-like undertone. With the baba ganoush, the eggplant is typically roasted or grilled, giving off a smoky flavor. ... Both hummus and baba ganoush: Are often served as a dip or spread.
The rich and nutritious torly is an Egyptian mixed vegetable casserole with chunks of beef or lamb dispersed throughout it. The most common vegetables include potatoes, squash, carrots, and onions, while tomato sauce is used as a binding agent. In order to prepare it, a layer of cooked meat is topped with a layer of vegetables, and the process is repeated until the last layer, which is typically meat. I love the different color that is show case in the meal .
Aish Baladi is an Egyptian whole wheat flat bread that looks a lot like pita bread, but is unique to Egypt.
Kofta Kebabs
A favorite meat dish of mine in Egypt is the Kofta kebabs. Minced lamb is mixed with spices and pressed onto metal skewers. It taste delicious , I could stop eating these sausages while I was there