Meet Joe Hendricks, a photographer and travel enthusiast from the US, who sold his house, his car and his possessions to travel his country with his family. It all started when he went on a family vacation, which left him wanting to travel more.
We all want to travel, don’t we? It is everybody’s dream to be able to run away to far off places leaving behind the monotony of life. But, somehow, we never manage to summon courage enough to be able to actually do it! Joe Hendricks is a man, who, for the love of travel, gave up everything. They sold their house, their car, and all their belongings, bought a luxurious Airstreamer and set out on this amazing journey. This family of four – Joe, his wife Rhonda, their 4-year old son and his mother-in-law began this journey three months ago, to explore what America has to offer.
Read on for breathtaking pictures from his website and to find out more about his journey so far.
I’ve always been the person to tell people to chase their dreams, so I decided to take my own advice.
My dream is to make a living as a professional landscape photographer while travelling America and this is how I’m making it happen!
We sold our house, cars, most of our possessions and bought a 30ft Airstream that we could all live in comfortably.
But when we told other people what we were doing, their eyes lit up and I could see we were doing the right thing.
What most people want to know, is how do I make money on the road?
Well, I’m an established professional wedding photographer in Nashville TN and I make enough to stay out on the road and live this Airstream lifestyle of ours.
I hope to eventually make all my income from landscape photography, selling prints and traveling America.
But it’s going to take some time to make that transition.
For now, I do what I need to pay our bills and make it happen.
We’ve been permanently in the Airstream for a little over 3 months now and life has been an adventure.
Yes, there were some tough times in the beginning as we adjusted to this new lifestyle, but we’re getting use to it now.
We spend a lot of time boondocking (camping in the middle of nowhere) and it’s one of the coolest things you can experience in an Airstream.
Plus it doesn’t cost you anything.
One of my favorite places so far has been Big Bend National Park in Texas.
The night sky gets so dark that you can almost see every star in the sky.
If you let your eyes adjust long enough, you will eventually see the milky way, that’s how dark it is.
We charged our batteries every day by using our solar panels on top of the Airstream.
We still had amazing internet service through our phones, so we were able to do Instagram and all that fun stuff.
We hiked some amazing locations that challenged our endurance as a family hiking together.
But one of the most amazing thing we did was spend time in a natural hot spring that sat on the side of the Rio Grande river.
Life on the road is not for everyone.
But I wish someone would have told me when I was 21 years old, that you could buy an Airstream and live in it while seeing America.
So, here I am now, telling you it’s possible.
If I’m doing it with my wife and 4 year old son.
You can definitely do it as a younger single person looking for adventure in your life.
Every day is a new adventure.
And I hope it continues for a long time.
For more, read the story here.
Visit Joe's website, for his amazing photography.