Boston rings a bell, definitely so because it houses MIT, the great Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. It is fast city with slow tourists. Not as populous as New York and Chicago Boston moves at a steady pace and is surrounded with water. The airplane landing id breathtaking as the air strip is almost floating on water. Fall is a good time to see the city, as it's not nearly as cold as it can get and also the sun is not harsh. The colouring of the autumn leaves is pristine.
This is a little town where we camped for the night with our cousins for free! The drive from the airport and Grafton is no less than beautiful. In the whole of America, this was the place where fall colours were truly at their best.

A definite boon for the tourists, freedom trail as the name suggests is a pathway which makes convenient for a person to roam about and see every historical landmark of Boston. A thick red line runs on the streets and proves to be your ultimate guide.

It is the State Capitol on the Beacon Hill. They support The Sox! (American football reference)

In the middle of the city lies a humongous park where you get to see the real city dwellers doing their thing. It has a frog pond which a huge attraction among children.

A real attraction in Boston is Quincy market. You final all kinds of souvenir shops offering keepsakes for very cheap. This place is always full of people and never sees silence.

Super indian food. Their sepciality is naan. Don't miss their baked goodie. For chilli lovers, carry your own spices, they lack in hotness in chillies.
Splurge some cash on riding the waves. They have put telescope sort of equipments for sea watching and bird watching. You can just hang around the place after a hectic rush throughout the city.

The Campus!
The Feel!
The Environment!
The Geniuses!
The Buildings! It made me cry as to why didn't study harder.