A Bengali, even if not so leaned towards literary work or find itself boring, would yet love the place to the full extent. Those who think Bolpur is only a place to know Nobel laureate Tagore, is partially incorrect. Its a place to understand West Bengal (India) tribal culture, a rural beauty with a composition of the Red soil (রাঙামাটি), with the fascinating bonus of Tagore's.
Kankalitala is one of the sacred Shaktipith, a place of serenity. early morning visit would not make you wait long in the queue (unless you popped in on an important worship day). It takes total 20 mins from getting Puja dali (worshipping items for e.g. flower, garland etc.) to complete visiting the Goddess. there is a lovely surround to hang out and feel the peace.

The second half of the day can be spent visiting Tagore Ashram, Rabindra Bharati University including Chatimtala (ছাতিমতলা). You get a huge cultural vault. no wonder why different famous personalities including Indira Gandhi, Amartya Sen and many more loved the place for their study.