A Bengali, even if not so leaned towards literary work or find itself boring, would yet love the place to the full extent. Those who think Bolpur is only a place to know Nobel laureate Tagore, is partially incorrect. Its a place to understand West Bengal (India) tribal culture, a rural beauty with a composition of the Red soil (রাঙামাটি), with the fascinating bonus of Tagore's.
Saturday Market (শনিবারের হাট) at Sonajhuri, bolpur is so alluring that you cant afford to miss. A numerous of inexpensive items made by locals (including tribals) are exhibited for sell. While you window-shop or you purchase, the tribal dance and tribal music spellbind you. The group of mystic minstrels called Baul (বাউল) would catch your attention. Definitely would free you from all your stresses watching their happy faces.
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