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Sher Shah Suri Tomb
📍 Sher Shah Suri Tomb, BiharView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:October to March

⏰ Open Hours:8 AM to 5 PM

🧭 Distances:22 km from Sasaram Railway Station, 148 km from Patna Airport, 16 km from Rohtas

💰 Entry Fees:Free

🏞 Known For:Architecture, History, Archaeological Significance

🚶‍♂️ Traveller Types:History buffs, Architecture lovers, Photographers

📌 Things To Do:Explore the Tomb, Photography, Learn about History

🔍 Unique Aspects:The tomb is considered an example of sophisticated Pashtun architecture

🍂 Nearby Attractions:Rohtas Fort, Bhaluni Dham, Manjhar Kund Waterfall

🧳 Tips:Carry water and wear comfortable footwear as it involves a fair amount of walking

🚻 Facilities:Parking, Restrooms, Information Center

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Sher Shah Suri Tomb: A Majestic Monument of the Sur Empire

Have you ever wondered how the Grand Trunk Road, one of the longest and oldest highways in Asia, came into existence? Or who was the ruler who challenged the mighty Mughal dynasty and established his own empire in India? Or which tomb inspired the design of the Taj Mahal, the most famous monument in the world?

The answer to all these questions lies in the Sher Shah Suri Tomb, a majestic monument of the Sur Empire in Bihar, India. This tomb is the final resting place of Sher Shah Suri, a brilliant and benevolent ruler who reformed the administration, economy, and military of India in the 16th century. The tomb is also a masterpiece of Indo-Islamic architecture, featuring a stunning dome, intricate carvings, and a serene artificial lake.

If you are interested in exploring the rich and diverse heritage of India, the Sher Shah Suri Tomb is a must-visit destination for you. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this splendid mausoleum, including its history, architecture, and significance. We will also guide you on how to reach the tomb, when to visit it, and what to do nearby. Whether you are a history buff, a culture lover, or a nature enthusiast, you will find something to enjoy at the Sher Shah Suri Tomb.

Who was Sher Shah Suri?

Before we dive into the details of the tomb, let us first introduce you to the man who built it: Sher Shah Suri. Sher Shah Suri was one of the most remarkable rulers in Indian history, who rose from humble origins to become the founder of the Sur Empire. He was born as Farid Khan in 1486 in Sasaram, Bihar, to a noble Afghan family. He showed great courage and intelligence from an early age, and earned the title of Sher Khan (Lion King) after killing a tiger in a hunting expedition.

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Sher Shah Suri began his career as a military commander under the Mughal emperor Babur, but soon rebelled against him and established his own kingdom in Bihar. He then expanded his territory by defeating the Mughal emperor Humayun in several battles, and became the undisputed ruler of northern India. He ruled for only five years, from 1540 to 1545, but in that short span of time, he transformed India with his reforms and innovations.

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Some of his notable achievements are:

He built the Grand Trunk Road, a 2,500 km long highway that connected Bengal to Kabul, and facilitated trade, travel, and communication across the region.

He introduced a new currency system, based on a silver coin called the Rupiya, which became the standard currency of India for centuries.

He reformed the land revenue system, by measuring the land accurately, fixing fair rates, and ensuring timely collection.

He promoted religious tolerance and patronized arts and culture, by building mosques, schools, libraries, and hospitals for all communities.

He strengthened the military and the administration, by creating a centralized and efficient system of governance, and a loyal and disciplined army.

Sher Shah Suri died in 1545, after being injured by a gunpowder explosion during the siege of Kalinjar Fort. He was succeeded by his son Islam Shah Suri, who completed the construction of his father’s tomb in Sasaram.

Where is the Tomb of Sher Shah Suri?

The Tomb of Sher Shah Suri is located in Sasaram, a town in the Rohtas district of Bihar, India. Sasaram is about 160 km from Patna, the capital city of Bihar, and about 950 km from Delhi, the capital city of India. Sasaram is a historical and cultural hub, with many attractions such as the Rohtas Fort, the Pani Roza, the Tomb of Hasan Khan Suri, and the Chaurasan Temple.

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The Tomb of Sher Shah Suri is situated on a small island in the middle of an artificial lake, which covers an area of about 40 acres. The lake was created by diverting the water of a nearby stream, and is surrounded by a stone wall with steps and arches. The tomb is connected to the mainland by a stone bridge, which has two gateways on either end.

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The best way to reach the tomb is by train, as Sasaram has a railway station that is well-connected to major cities in India. You can also reach the tomb by road, as Sasaram is located on the Grand Trunk Road, which is accessible by buses and taxis. The nearest airport to the tomb is in Patna, which is about 3 hours away by road.

How was the Tomb of Sher Shah Suri built?

The Tomb of Sher Shah Suri is a marvel of Indo-Islamic architecture, which combines the elements of Persian, Afghan, and Indian styles. The tomb was designed by Mir Muhammad Aliwal Khan, a Persian architect who was also the chief engineer of the Sur Empire. The construction of the tomb began in 1540, during the lifetime of Sher Shah Suri, and was completed in 1545, after his death, by his son Islam Shah Suri.

The tomb is a massive structure, measuring 122 feet in height and 89 feet in diameter. It has a square base, with an octagonal chamber on top, and a circular dome on the summit. The dome is the largest in India, and is made of stone blocks that are fitted together without any mortar. The dome is decorated with lotus petals and finials, and has a brass spire on the top.

The exterior of the tomb is covered with red sandstone and white marble, which create a striking contrast. The tomb has four arched entrances, one on each side, which are adorned with calligraphy, floral motifs, and geometric patterns. The tomb also has four corner towers, which are three stories high and have balconies and windows. The tomb is surrounded by a verandah, which has a series of arches and pillars, and offers a panoramic view of the lake and the landscape.

The interior of the tomb is equally impressive, with a high vaulted ceiling and a marble cenotaph. The cenotaph is engraved with the name and titles of Sher Shah Suri, and has a verse from the Quran that reads: “Every soul shall taste of death”. The walls and the floor of the tomb are inlaid with precious stones and tiles, which create a mosaic of colors and designs. The tomb also has a basement, which houses the actual grave of Sher Shah Suri, along with his family members and associates.

The Tomb of Sher Shah Suri is considered to be one of the finest examples of Indo-Islamic architecture, and has influenced the design of many other monuments, such as the Humayun’s Tomb and the Taj Mahal. The tomb is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is protected and maintained by the Archaeological Survey of India.

What are the attractions of the Tomb of Sher Shah Suri?

The Tomb of Sher Shah Suri is not only a historical and architectural wonder, but also a cultural and natural attraction. There are many things to see and do at the tomb and its surroundings, such as:

Admire the beauty and the grandeur of the tomb, and learn about its history and significance.

Explore the lake and the island, and enjoy the scenic views and the tranquil atmosphere.

Visit the Pani Roza, a water pavilion that was built by Sher Shah Suri as a pleasure house, and is located near the tomb. The Pani Roza has a hexagonal shape, and is decorated with arches, domes, and fountains.

Visit the Tomb of Hasan Khan Suri, the father of Sher Shah Suri, and the founder of the Sur dynasty. The tomb is located about 5 km from the tomb of Sher Shah Suri, and is a simple and elegant structure, made of red sandstone and white marble.

Visit the Rohtas Fort, a massive and magnificent fort that was built by Sher Shah Suri as a military base, and is located about 40 km from the tomb of Sher Shah Suri. The fort covers an area of about 12 sq km, and has many features such as gates, bastions, palaces, mosques, temples, and gardens.

Visit the Chaurasan Temple, a group of 84 ancient Hindu temples that are located about 10 km from the tomb of Sher Shah Suri. The temples date back to the 9th century, and are dedicated to various deities such as Shiva, Vishnu, and Durga.

Enjoy the local cuisine and culture of Sasaram, and sample some of the delicacies such as litti chokha, sattu paratha, dal pitha, and malpua. You can also shop for some of the handicrafts and souvenirs such as stone carvings, pottery, and paintings.

When is the best time to visit the Tomb of Sher Shah Suri?

The best time to visit the Tomb of Sher Shah Suri is between October and March, when the weather is pleasant and comfortable. The temperature ranges from 10°C to 25°C, and the sky is clear and sunny. This is also the peak season for tourism, and you can expect to see many visitors and events at the tomb and its surroundings.

The summer season, from April to June, is very hot and dry, and the temperature can reach up to 45°C. This is not a good time to visit the tomb, as the heat and dust can be unbearable. You may also face water scarcity and power cuts in Sasaram.

The monsoon season, from July to September, is humid and wet, and the temperature can vary from 20°C to 35°C. This is also not a good time to visit the tomb, as the rain can cause flooding and landslides in the area. You may also face roadblocks and traffic jams in Sasaram.

The winter season, from October to March, is the ideal time to visit the tomb, as the weather is pleasant and comfortable. You can enjoy the beauty and the serenity of the tomb and its surroundings, and also participate in some of the festivals and events that take place in Sasaram, such as the Sher Shah Suri Mahotsav, the Chhath Puja, and the Makar Sankranti.

Where to stay near the Tomb of Sher Shah Suri?

If you are planning to visit the Tomb of Sher Shah Suri, you will need to find a place to stay in Sasaram, as there are no hotels or guest houses on the island. Fortunately, Sasaram has a range of accommodation options to suit your budget and preferences. You can choose from:


Homestays are a great way to experience the local culture and hospitality of Sasaram. You can stay with a local family and enjoy their home-cooked food, their stories, and their tips. You can also learn about their traditions, customs, and festivals.

Heritage Hotels:

Heritage Hotels are a luxury option for those who want to indulge in the history and the elegance of Sasaram. You can stay in a former palace, fort, or mansion that has been converted into a hotel, and enjoy the royal treatment, the antique furniture, the lavish decor, and the modern amenities.

The Tomb of Sher Shah Suri is a majestic monument of the Sur Empire in Bihar, India, that showcases the history, architecture, and significance of Sher Shah Suri, a remarkable ruler who reformed and transformed India in the 16th century. The tomb is a masterpiece of Indo-Islamic architecture, featuring a stunning dome, intricate carvings, and a serene artificial lake. The tomb is also a cultural and natural attraction, with many things to see and do nearby, such as the Pani Roza, the Rohtas Fort, the Chaurasan Temple, and the local cuisine and culture of Sasaram.

If you are interested in exploring the rich and diverse heritage of India, the Tomb of Sher Shah Suri is a must-visit destination for you. You can visit the tomb between October and March, when the weather is pleasant and comfortable, and stay in one of the accommodation options in Sasaram, such as OYO Rooms, Homestays, or Heritage Hotels.

We hope this article helps you plan your trip to the Tomb of Sher Shah Suri, and gives you a glimpse of the amazing attraction that awaits you. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below. And if you liked this article, please share it with your friends and family, and follow us on Tripoto for more travel tips and stories.

Thank you for reading, and happy travels!

Photos of Sher Shah Suri Tomb
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