This place is located in West Bengal. Here we connected with the Travel agent and did all the arrangements for Bhutan Travel. He asked us for the ID proof and told us about the itinerary of the journey. The Bhutan border starts from Phuentsoling which is a very neat and clean place adjacent to Jaigaon. You can easily enter Phuentsoling as there is no requirement for any documentation however to go further then you will require Bhutan Government approval. You can purchase anything from Phuentsoling and will get a discount in comparison to Jaigaon. An important thing for alcohol lovers is that you will get Alcohol at a less price in Phuentsoling than in Jaigaon because there is very less tax imposed by the Bhutan Government on it and the same is applied for Petrol/Diesel.

Travelling from Phuentsoling to Thimphu is majestic and the view is picturesque. There were a lot of ancient castles spotted while wondering and all were spectacular. Also, the weather was cold. They charged fees for all the castle's visits and one thing I found very unique is that you can get Alcohol in all the general stores. Apart from that, shops were mainly run by women which I found incredible. The royal family rules Bhutan and its inhabitants worship them. We had our lunch there but here you will feel pain if you are a vegetarian because Bhutanese love pork and flour is very expensive. While booking the tour, you can ask for a hotel which is known for its good Indian cuisine and we were lucky in that area. Later on, we stopped by a huge Lord Budha Temple and after that, we came back to our hotel and did some rest. We decided to enjoy the nightlife at Thimphu and went into a pub where the entry fee was 300 rupees and you will get a complimentary beer with it. Please note that Bhutanese easily accept the Indian rupees and 1 Bhutanese rupee was equal to 1 rupee at that time but I will recommend you to have Bhutanese currency with you. We enjoyed the amazing nightlife and reached the hotel by 1 a.m.

Early morning, we went towards Paro and one thing normal across Bhutan you will find Monastery and Castle. Gratitude is prevalent among the Bhutanese which makes the country the happiest country in Asia. Punakha Suspension Bridge is the key attraction which is quite enormous. An impeccable view and a big river make the bridge beautiful. Finally, we entered the Paro which is less crowded and developed in comparison to Thimphu. Empty roads and streets in the main city give you peace of mind because the population is very low. Then we drove to Chella which is a cold location and the snow was there which made our day. Likewise, Paro airport is very lovely and is one of the key spots for tourists. Lastly, we moved toward the hotel.