I got 3 days. And was bit confused where to go Geithoorn- Amsterdam or Brugge. Many of my friends suggested me Brugge . On arrival at Brugge station, we decided to go to the room by walk. I had booked an apartment for 2 nights on Airbnb. As we started walking towards the town, I realized, yes my decision was right. The town was so beautiful. The roads are made up of small Stone blocks, on both sides all identically constructed buildings. New and old were looking just identical. Some of them were mentioned upon their year of construction like 1500, 1600, 1700. Oh my God ! And all these historical buildings were looking well maintained and in very good condition. Some Church and parks also seen on the way. We passed some Canal Bridges too. I couldn't stop myself from taking pics of surrounding one after another. Now we were eager to have boat ride as early as possible. But on that day it was not possible. It was looking little crowded only at big city squares. Rest the town was looking calm. It took around 25 mins to reach our room. We got fresh and ran outside to the nearby canal road before it gets dark. The atmosphere was cold but refreshing. I saw some big boats which were anchored in the water and later learnt that many retired persons sell out everything and buy a well furnished boat and live into it for rest of the life. In summer they sail the boats for longer journey. Isn't it interesting ? We started walking towards the main market square. On the way seen many restaurants having sitting arrangements inside and outside. People were having beer sitting outside. The shops showcases were made very attractive. In the dark the canals were looking more scenic in the lights of street. People were taking photographs everywhere. We took some photographs and returned home.

The boating was supposed to start by 10 am. Tonight it was raining so I was worried. But thank god though it was not a sunny morning but at least it was not raining now. So, thought let's finish boating first. Reached to the dock , got tickets which was just 10€ per head for 30 mins. ride. I got a sit just behind the sailor. He was not only sailing the boat but also playing a role of guide. Good, he was explaining everything in English. Propelling the boat through the canals and under the bridges. Yesterday, watching the boats passing in the canals by standing on the shore was a great fun. No doubt. But now watching the world from the running boat was even quite exciting. He was telling information about many historical places, museums on both of the shores. Beautiful green shores, ducks and swans swimming in the water, many attractive historical structures and architectures everything was truly fascinating. To explain everything just in words is not possible. So, I shot the entire vdo , uploaded on YouTube and attached the link with this blog. You can see the entire boat ride and listen the guide also.

After finishing the boat tour we went to the famous Chocolate Museum of Brugge which is named as Choco Story. The museum is made in the 16th century building " Huis De Crone". The entry fee is 16 € per head. They offer some free coupons with the ticket. Here the Chocolate history and fundamentals are explained very well with the help of Pictures, sculptures, short films on screens and pilot machines. At every stage they are giving sample pellets to the visitors for better understanding. Here they got a small chocolate factory setup which can be seen from the glass partition and a demonstrator also explains about the manufacturing process of Chocolate . You can see many amazing sculptures made up of chocolates in various sizes and shapes. It might be very skillful, time taking and great patience testing work. Hats off to the creators. On the way to exit they got a big Chocolate shop, where you can buy Chocolates.

Next we proceed towards the Torture Museum. The entry fee here is 8 € per head for an adult. The king of Belgium was of extremely dominating nature and he alongwith Belgium was ruling many other small countries. At the beginning of the museum you can see a painting of Goddess of Justice , showing tied eyes, in one hand weighing balance and in another a sword. He had designed many horrifying tools and implements to torture the prisoners. Those implements and tools are exhibited here with a demo model idols. It exhibits his extreme level of cruelty. I think, one can't enjoy the visit here but can experience the pain what the prisoners suffered from. They would have beg for the death. Here the prisoners gather sympathy and the king of course hate.

Here in Brugge you can see many Historical buildings of since 15th century as I told you earlier. But I visited cafe which was found in 1515. Yes ! Cafe Vlissinghe, established in 1515 by Old Teunis and his wife, they lived for 100 years, died on the same day and today their descendants are running it with the same spirit. I took proud to visit the cafe. Being pure vegetarian I didn't have much choice in meals but me and my family had Coffee, Coke and their in house brewed Beer. The Beer is bit bitter but quite soft. The appearance of the cafe was like of being in 16th century. The furniture is wooden. The room heater is still fired with coal . The tables were fully occupied and few people were waiting outside. The pricing was quite reasonable say 2.5 to 17 €. It is really amazing thing to visit a cafe of 15th century.
3rd day we got up early morning , packed the bags and started to get back home.
Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you might have watched my YouTube vdo shot at the time of Boat ride. I'm sure you will love it.