Despite being born and brought up in Kolkata, and being able to be a part of most of the festivals that are celebrated in this part of the country, one festival or to be precise a ritual which I was not aware until 2021 was the Rolls Royce Holi. In 2021, by the time I came to know of this festival, it was pretty late. Even for 2022, I was not sure whether I would be able to cover it, since I was travelling to Barsana for Braj Holi. Until, a friend of mine called me up one fine night and informed me about the details and the exact location of this.
It was 16th March, when the Rolls Royce Holi of 2022 took place in the narrow alleys and lanes of Burrabazar in Kolkata. Needless to say, the atmosphere was electrifying and for those who have been to Vrindavan during holi, they might agree that it really feels like a mini brajdham in Kolkata.