I stayed at a hostel in Bangkok called the Lub.D in Siam Square, right opposite to the MBK shopping centre. The best thing i think i did on this trip was that i traveled alone, and the fact that i thought of it myself. it not only gives you your own freedom but it teaches you things you didn't know about yourself, things you didn't know you could do. This was the first time i travelled alone and i enjoyed every bit of my journey. I made friends that id remember for the rest of my life and i didnt make just one friend I'm a friendly person ive made several more and now I've got all of them of facebook. It's mostly all about stepping out of your comfort zone, pretty simple, really.
Chatuchak Market opens during weekends and its one of the worlds largest weekend markets, it is so big, i couldn't walk everywhere, it had more than 15000 shops that sell literally everything, food, clothes, animals, animal bones, animal skin, kitchenware etc
You should visit if you're into cheap shopping.

Go to khao san road at night if you want to see tourists partying hard and fried scorpions ;)

here, i went to the boat noodle alley where they only serve boat noodles in every restaurant, all different types of boat noodles. 1 bowl for just 10 bhat, and apparently the more you stack up your bowls the better you are.

This is where i stayed.
There are so many malls like that in India too. so it wasn't a spectacular sight for me.