TYPE - Hill, Rocky
DISTANCE - 60 KMs approx. from Bengaluru
FOOD - Not Available
STAY - Camp site available
BEST TIME – August to December
This is common spot for Bengaluru trekkers specially on No Moon day, people go here for a night trek to camp.
I had been to this place sometime back and wanted to climb this hill, then on it was on my list. We started from Bengaluru heading towards Gowribidnuru, approx. 10 KMs from D-cross stop near the Maklidurga Railway Bridge, its the point where the other road from Ghati Subramanya meets. We parked our bikes at the railway station, and filled all our hydrates and started towards Gowribidnuru on the railway track. Around 2 KMs on the track we found a small temple on the left, which was the start point of the trek. The trek is easy, I think first time trekkers would like this, there is a grassy place on the way where its too windy, which was our lengthy pit stop point. At the top there is a ruined old fort and a old temple with lot of places to explore.
We found a viewpoint where we replenished our belly and took a nap, it was cloudy and too windy. We gazed the horizons till our eyes were satisfied, It was as tough we were rebooting our mind and soul.
PS:- Please keep the place you visit clean and tidy, collect any garbage and dispose properly.