If you're searching for a quick getaway from the concrete forest of Bengaluru with a hint of adventure and adrenaline rush, Anthargange is the place to visit.
At a distance of 80 km from Bengaluru Anthargange is a small city in Vibhuthipura district of Karnataka. Anthargange is actually a mountain which rests in the Shathashrunga mountain range in the southeastern part of Karnataka. Antara Gange literally means "Ganges from deep" in Kannada language. The road to Anthargange is pretty well laid out as for the most part you'll be traveling on NH 75. All through the way you'll be witnessing panoramic views of the mountain ranges which nest the Anthargange caves. It's pretty easy to just get immersed in the sights which the drive has to offer especially for the later part of the drive.

Once you reach Anthargange you'll see an entrance to the temple area. This path is cemented and goes for about 500m after which you have to climb some stairs and you'll reach the Anthargange Temple. The 500 m walk will showcase you the greenery around this area and how an area devoid of population but enriched with nature looks and feels like.

Once in the temple area, be vary of the monkeys roaming around. We saw a couple of monkeys running around with someone's shoes. So be careful before you remove anything or before opening your bags in front of the monkeys.

After going around the temple you can start your hike to the caves. Although it's a small area but still it's advisable to hire a guide who can show you the way to the caves. You may or may not find the caves on your own but the guide can definitely help you do the same thing in half the time plus he knows the exactly right places to step so that nothing falls here and there.
Once you start from the temple there is almost a kilometer hike to the first cave. While going there you'll come across some really nice views of the surrounding areas which will give you an idea of the elevation you're currently at. There are some boulders which you can climb if you're an adrenaline junkie. Our guide definitely was an agile kid who could climb any and every boulder you could point to in the area.

After going through the hike you'll enter the cave from a small opening in the rocks. You have to step down and carefully step on a series of rocks to finally get on some flat ground. Once you're in the cave you have to go over and under a lot of rocks and boulders while covering the whole of cave.

There are places in the cave where there are crevices in the rocks. From there you can see the endless darkness that lies beneath those rocks on which you are walking. It's eerily beautiful. You'll be thrilled to jump from one rock to another but at the same time scared of getting stuck in one of the crevices.
After covering some flat ground in the cave you'll come across a wall which you'll have to climb using some rocks which are protruding from the surface of that 6 ft wall. The guide will be there all the time to assist and show you how it's done and you'll be amazed how talented that kid is. One worry which claustrophobic people have is "what if a boulder just slips and falls". I can't emphasize enough how old these caves are and how firmly these rocks have planted themselves over the course of time. It's almost impossible for any of them to move even an inch unless a massive natural catastrophe happens. So don't worry about that. After some small obstacle courses this cave expedition will come to an end.

The added bonus of hiring a guide surfaced after the regular cave exploration was over. He asked us if we wanted to go to a water cave. We were pretty excited and without thinking twice said yes.
So now we started off in a completely different direction and started jumping off rocks here and there. After a few jumps we finally reached the mouth of the water cave. It looked so narrow that we couldn't figure how to even enter that cave. With some guidance we finally entered the cave but were amazed by the surroundings. It was pitch black inside and water was seeping in from all directions. I must tell the water cave is not at all for claustrophobic people and they might have a panic attack midway.

The path inside the cave is extremely narrow and there's a point where you'll be crawling on your stomach and the rock above you will be barely a few inches from the back. That is the point where the realization hits to the claustrophobic people and they start panicking. But if you are a thrill seeker there's nothing better than this.
Oh I forgot to mention that all this will be in pitch darkness. The only source of light will be your camera's flashlight which you'll be reluctant to use because in case the phone falls somewhere then that phone is not getting back. Again after a few twists and turns and bends and jumps you'll be able to see the light coming from the exit point of the cave.

After this adventure people who want to wander further can go to a village up on the hill. On this hill there's a small general store where you can get a little bit of food to fill your bellies. From this village goes a trek to the peak of this hill. Due to shortage of time we were not able to reach the peak but if you're a thrill seeker and have plenty of time you can try going to the peak. The view is worth the effort.
Best time to visit:
You can visit Anthargange all year round but it's advisable not to visit it during rainy season as the rocks might become slippery during that time.
Night treks are also organized to this place.
No permissions are required to trek in that area and there are no wild animals except the smart monkeys who are ever ready to snatch food from your hands.
Hiring a guide will help you significantly and will help you in keeping a sense of security as he knows the place way better than you.
For us, he charged 100 bucks and a couple of Snickers for the add-on water cave which was not exactly a part of guided tour.
How to Reach:
This place is a 80 km drive from Bengaluru and leads through the NH 75. Once you are set on NH 75 there will be multiple milestones and National Highway markings indicating the way for Anthargange.