Wanted to take a bath in nature mother's lap- I went to Chunchi falls. Chunchi falls is en route to Mekedatu and Sangama, it is one among the most scenic falls near Bangalore. Sangama is a place where 3 rivers join and flow through Mekedatu a rocky valley. The route to Chunchi Falls was full of greenery. I enjoyed my ride to the peak till I took the pocket road to Chunchi. The way to walls is very risky and one can not go there without a proper guide. So finally I agreed to pay some penny to the guy who was ready to take me there. So I followed him through the pits and rocks. Got an amazing view of Chunchi falls and again he lead me to somewhere nearby, I was spellbound after seeing the limitless pool by nature :D (Watch the video)
After taking a bath in the 'limtless pool' I started off to Sangama. Usually small boat ride used to happen here, but water was very less when I went. Don't under estimate the force of that 1 mtr height of water flowing through Sangama. It's powerful enough to take you with her. ;) You have to go and feel it, I can't describe it through words.
Later on after crossing the Sangama point, one jeep was waiting for people. It is a paid service by Karnataka gvt to give the scenic beauty of rock carvings made by the forceful flow of Kavery river. Man... you gotta see this view. We have to travel nearly 2 KM to reach this point called Mekkedattu.
The journey is not a luxuary one, it's through forest where a sign of road is merely present. :P every year this huge rock carvings take people inside. Yes! nearly 200+ deaths in past 10 years. So they closed the entry to go inside that carvings. Even tourist department named this place as a 'Death trap'.

There is a reason for why it's called a death trap, as opposite current meets under these path and many carvings are designed with whirlpool inside it. So if someone is falling from any rock will go into the swirling water and will never come back!

That's all about this trip. Three places in one go- Chunchi- Sangama- Mekkedattu!