Having done some research before, figured out that Bangalore Mountaineering Club (BMC) was the best org to go with if you are a first timer. I didn’t give it a second thought, immediately booked my slot for 19-20th Aug, 2017.
Day 1: 18/08- Friday night 21:00 hrs left from home to board the bus at indiranagar.
Day 2 : 19/08- Saturday- 07:00 hrs, Shamanth our trek advisor announced that we were about to reach in another 10 minutes. We reached & boarded the jeep for the off road traverse to our homestay. We were served idly with hot chai. We had an introduction session post to which we were briefed a little about the dos and don’ts by the team. We commenced our trek and I was almost at the fag end in the entire trail.
We tramped over 7 to 8 stunning streams from where I drank the purest of water, before we confronted the 1st steep peak of the trail. In the initial few meters I slithered with all my limbs and a reptilian instinct was infused in me. Seeing me struggling to the core, the trek coordinators appointed a local guide to my rescue. And O man I ascended that peak within no time and by the time I was again by my own self, I realised that I was almost in the middle of the herd from the end where I started.
Stumbling and staggering, I managed to reach the peak of Kudremukh after 4 hours and an onerous last 4 kms trail with 4 steep peaks. I realized that I was almost blown by the chilled wind and rain. Somehow quivered and managed to have our packed lunch. It was all mind game in the last 4 kms of trek.
A mixed feeling of pride, delight, satisfaction and pain hovered around me as I sat there on the bench of the check post waiting for the other guys to join. I paused there for 15 minutes and had retrospection on what I did. As a matter of fact, I would have never imagined myself in such adverse situations combatting my fears, testing my endurance, dealing with leeches like flies, managing with all limited resources and yet alive and safe.
We were served hot chilli bhajjis and chai after our return. At 20:00 hrs dinner was served & I hogged like I had never had food before.
Day 3 : 20/08- Sunday- Wakeup call by Shamanth at 6:00 hrs to go to a nearby waterfall. We had sumptuous breakfast & started our journey back to Bangalore. On the way, we halted to see the magnificent Belur temple, had lunch at Hassan and finally reached Bangalore by 20:00 hrs.
A lifetime experience of trek to the most happening 9 hours of my life had come to an end. These 22 kms and 9 hours had made me know so much about myself & I am thankful to all the trekkers who inspired me, BMC for such a wonderful experience, parents & friends who believed in me. Signing off saying I am looking forward to many such experiences and this was just the start.