You’re only given one little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” ~Robin Williams~
It had been a while since we did something on an impulse. So when we got to know about the impending extended weekend, all thanks to the Ganesh Chaturthi festival, we had to do something, go somewhere at least. Spending three days at home is not my idea of bliss; especially for me, who’s rightfully accused of having itchy feet!
It was Friday evening. I was at my home, sipping tea, and watching the sun gradually sinking down the horizon from my balcony. Wise men say that a calm mind triggers noble thoughts. I was also contemplating, and this idea of exploring a new terrain struck me. “My husband and I, both love to trek, to explore the nature, and to marvel at it. Even my dog, Abacus, has similar yearnings for wilderness. So why shouldn’t we be doing the same over the weekend?,” I thought. And thenceforth, it was decided! I just had to tell my hubby about my idea of a fresh excursion, and he was as enthusiastic about the trek as I was, if not more!
We were not interested in reaching out to far-flung places. We were looking for a place within 50-60 KMs from Bangalore. Among the many places nearby Bangalore, we zeroed down on Kabbaladurga hill, which is famous among the explorers for night trekking. But we decided to trek the hill under the sun and the clouds.
On September 3, we hit the road at 6 AM sharp in the morning. The drive to Kabbalu hills was scenic, as we were gushing through the winds and enjoying the open roads, a rare experience in Bangalore these days. The drive was fun.

We sought aid from Google maps for the directions, and trust me, like always it didn’t disappoint us. After going a little further, we parked our car near the big red roof house as the pleasing sight of the picturesque hills welcomed us. We saw the beautiful magnificent hill glistening in sunshine, and luring us to enter the doorway to a peaceful world.
The sun, just like a child, was naughtily playing “hide and seek” with the clouds, offering us the perfect weather to explore the magnificent Kabbaladurga.
At around 8 AM, our trek commenced. As we set off, we met a few masons and they recommended us to follow the light poles to reach to the top. As we trudged along the terrain, we observed that no one was around except the three of us. So we let Abacus free so that he could enjoy his wild ways.
The first stretch of the trek was under the canopy of trees, essentially making it easy to climb. During the trek, the orchestra of the hill had come alive; the birds with their melody were the singers, and the sound of the wind blowing through whispering leaves added music to it.

The later part of the trek was steep. Rugged mountain faces can be slippery but steps are carved to climb the hill. If you feel like being a tad adventurous, you might as well climb the hill without using the steps like our star trekker Abacus did.

Each time we halted and looked around, we were in awe with the nature. We were in no rush to reach the hill point, as every stopover fell nothing short of a desirable destination in its own beautiful way.

It was a trek to remember; only three of us on top of a hill, basking in the glory of Mother Nature, and completely on our own. In every contact with nature, we receive far more than we seek..
Kabbaladurga trek itinerary:
Trek length: 4 Kms
Distance from Bangalore: 70 kms
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Pet Friendly: Yes
Crowded: No
Day Trek: Yes (also Famous for Night Trek)
Parking: Yes
Trek Direction: Follow the light poles to reach the top of a hill. There are direction markings on rocks too.
Expense: 500 per person
Things to carry:
Some snacks
Caps, shades
Wear comfortable clothing and good trekking shoes