For me,visiting Lalbagh is like opening the door for millions of memories to gush out. I’ve been in Bangalore ever since I can remember and I have such fond memories to associate with Lalbagh. Be it the little-baby-me photoshoots, feeding the deer over there [yes! once upon a time, Lalbagh used to house deer and I used to feed them with carrots and cucumber. Only reason then to go to Lalbagh was for the cute deer friends] or going with friends almost everyday to play badminton during summer holidays, I can think of such lovely things to talk about it.
Almost every year I try to catch up on the Flower show that happens on Republic Day and Independence Day. Atleast one for sure! This year the theme was India Gate, Red Fort and some musical Instruments.
So as I move towards the Glass house where the big monuments come alive, I see that I do have some lovely company here in the form of such vibrant colored butterflies, bees and ants too (I notice all sorts of animals/insects.. So don’t be too surprised :P )
Even though I got to Delhi like a month ago, I couldn’t visit Red Fort. So, this was my chance to see what it might look like.
Red Fort it is ! So beautifully done and I’m sure it must have taken so much of effort and planning. Though I did not see the kind of flower show that used to happen few years back, it’s still worth visiting.
India Gate was looking super cute ! Good thing was I made it to the place by afternoon. By evening 4 pm, the crowd was just getting bigger. For such events, I suggest you to go in some offbeat hour of the day.
Not just the flowers but even the cacti were so well maintained. These are my favorites in the cacti section. Absolute beauties!
I was so refreshed after visiting Lalbagh seriously! Away from the humdrums of malls and busy roads. Nowadays, I feel like I have won a war or something after getting home from office.
Little things in life give more happiness. Have you ever considered to stop whatever you’re doing and just go probably take a look at a flower or talk to a doggie on the street or skywatch at night or birdwatch ? I wasn’t like this earlier but it is now that I consciously take time off to do some of these things. Believe me, the joys are irreplaceable.
Bring out the child in you :) I am always so excited when I see these stalls. I don’t know whether these things will be of any use to me or not, but it is just that I feel the urge to buy these things.
You can catch up on the flower show till January 26th,2015 between 9am-6pm. Wouldn’t you want to witness the floral fervor yourself ?