On this lazy Sunday I was neither ready for long ride nor for trekking. This place is very close to the city limits. So we just headed to this awesome place.
Brief about the places:
Manchanabele Reservoir: Its a small reservoir close to Bangalore, the Dam is built across theArkavathi River.
Dodda Alada Mara: Literally translated to Big Banyan Tree, is a giant 400 year old single tree which covers 3 acres and is one of the largest of its kind. In the 2000s, the main root of the tree succumbed to natural disease, and thus the tree now looks like many different trees.
Sunday Morning: Left home at 6 am, Followed the Google maps, there is a right turn just before the Rajrajeshwari Engineering College. The road turned into calm peaceful road, without much traffic. Reached Manchanabele reservoir in an hour.
Manchanabele Reservoir: The first word came out of our mouth after seeing the view was "WOW!!!". There were two people already enjoying the view which could blow ones mind. After taking couple of photos we wanted to go near the dam. The Security guard at the gate said outsiders are prohibited from going inside. We tried to convince him that we wont be getting into water, just want to take some photos and come back quickly. Finally he got convinced and we gave him Rs. 100 as he asked for. We finally had a closer look of the reservoir, level of the water was deep and even the water was dirty.
We came back to the view point and climbed nearby high ground to get a better view of the reservoir. We could see the road from this point, many groups came and gave the same expression "WOW!!" as soon as they got glimps of the water. This reservoir is on the way to Savandurga Hills. Seems like most of the people were on the way to Savandurga when they encountered this lake knowingly or unknowingly.
Dadda Alada Mara: On the way back we stopped at Big Banyan tree. Our imagination was it would be a Single big tree from which has spread across but we were disappointed to see the reality. There were many trees at a single place, when we enquired the localite they said the main root of the tree succumbed to natural disease in 2000s, and thus the tree now looks like many different trees. There were some monkeys which didn't disturb us much as we didn't had any eatables, however if you have be careful. Its a nice place for half day family picnic.
While coming back we stopped at Decathlon sports shop. Back to home by 11.30 am
Note: 1. Getting inside the reservoir is prohibited, you could try to negotiate with the guard. 2. The water level is very deep and its not clean as well so forget about getting into water. 3. These two places are on the way to Savandurga hills, so you can plan all three places in a single trip.
This post was originally published on Bike Rides Bangalore.