So the Asia's largest monolith hill is approx 60 kms from Bangalore.
Want to test your physical and mental strength?Want to enjoy the panaromic lush greenary?Want to see the the beautiful river Arkavathi flow by?Want your weekend to be adventurous and away from the usual?
If yes,then head down to Savandurga hill. It is 1227 m above sea level.You will have one of the most exhilarating trekking experience.The trek isn't simply a straight uphill route rather it is a journey into itself which I would let you discover on your own.I would'nt say the trek is very easy though not difficult.It is somewhere between easy to moderately difficult. The rock surfaces are quite steep but you will get a hold of it once you start, as happens with everything in life.

And if you are one of those people like me who love to capture landscapes and travel pictures then this place is absolutely for you.

Our Journey

So we started our journey on a Sunday morning at around 9.It was a typical Bangalore sunny day with lot of clouds(best part).So the google map was set and we were headed towards the hill.The road journey was equally beautiful and surprisingly we had our first pit-stop.The Manchanabele Dam was on the way.A lesser known but equally beautiful place.Hills on both sides and in-between is the dam.We enjoyed the view from the hill top and ofcourse I coudn't resist clicking pictures of the breathtaking views.
See that's the beauty of travelling.It is filled with surprises and adventures and stories.
We were then headed again towards Savandurga.We initially never thought the trek would be that long and a bit difficult.Only after we started we realised the thrill of it.It took us almost 3 hrs to reach the peak.After a point of time our legs started hurting and we thought of not going any further because the more we walked the farther it seemed.But I somewhere knew I couldn't let this remain incomplete and i had to reach the peak.It was tiring but it was fun,it was satisfying.So after taking short breaks under the subtly balanced and fixed rocks and enjoying the views we finally managed to reach the peak.That small sense of accomplishment and a breathtaking 360 degree view was waiting for us at the top.

A few suggestions
*Carry enough water and food.
*Avoid the sun and start early in the morning.
*Avoid the trek during rains as it makes the rock surfaces slippery.
For more of my travel pictures you can head down to my instagram profile:
Have a great time and enjoy to the fullest.Cheers.