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📍 Avalabetta Rd, KarnatakaView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:October to February

⏰ Open Hours:24 hours, but best to visit during daylight

🎯 Things To Do:Trekking, Photography, Temple visit, Sightseeing

💰 Entry Fees:Free

🧳 Traveller Types:Adventure Seekers, Nature Lovers, Photography Enthusiasts

🔖 Known For:Picturesque views, Avalabetta Hilltop, Dargah, and Avalabetta Fort

🚄 Distances:From Bangalore - 90 km, Nearest Railway Station (Yelahanka) - 60 km, Nearest Airport (Bangalore) - 70 km

📸 Photography:Allowed

🥾 Trek Difficulty:Easy to Moderate

🍽 Nearby Eateries:Limited options, advisable to carry own food and water

⚠️ Tips:Wear comfortable shoes for trekking, Carry a hat and sunscreen to protect from the sun

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Avalabetta: A Hidden Gem for Trekking and Nature Lovers near Bangalore

Are you looking for a refreshing getaway from the hustle and bustle of Bangalore? Do you want to explore a lesser-known but stunning hilltop that offers breathtaking views and thrilling adventures? If yes, then you should head to Avalabetta, a hidden gem for trekking and nature lovers near Bangalore.

Avalabetta is a small hill station located about 90 km north of Bangalore, in the Chikkaballapur district of Karnataka. It is one of the best places to visit near Bangalore for a day trip or a weekend escape. Avalabetta is famous for its scenic beauty, serene atmosphere, and adventurous activities. It is also rich in history and culture, as it is home to an ancient temple dedicated to Lord Lakshmi Narasimha.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Avalabetta, including how to reach, what to do, when to visit, and where to stay. We will also share some tips and tricks to make your trip memorable and enjoyable. So, read on and discover why Avalabetta is a must-visit destination for trekking and nature lovers near Bangalore.

How to Reach Avalabetta

The best way to reach Avalabetta is by road from Bangalore. You can either take your own vehicle or hire a cab or a bike. The road trip to Avalabetta is an experience in itself, as you will pass through scenic landscapes, lush green fields, and charming villages.

The distance from Bangalore to Avalabetta is about 90 km, and it takes around 2 hours to cover it. The route is as follows:

Take the NH 44 from Bangalore towards Hyderabad. After about 55 km, take a left turn at Peresandra Cross onto the SH 9 towards Gauribidanur.

After about 25 km, take a right turn at Mandikal Cross onto the Avalabetta Road.

Follow the road for about 10 km until you reach the Avalabetta Hilltop.

Avalabetta Trek

One of the main attractions of Avalabetta is the trek to the hilltop, which is a thrilling and rewarding experience. The trek starts from the base of the hill, where you can park your vehicle and pay a nominal entry fee of Rs. 10 per person. The trek duration is about 30 minutes, and the trek distance is about 2 km. The trek difficulty level is easy to moderate, and it is suitable for beginners as well as experienced trekkers.

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The trek trail is well-marked and paved, and it passes through a forest area, where you can spot various birds and animals. The trek also offers some stunning views of the surrounding hills and valleys. The trek is especially enjoyable during the monsoon season, when the hill is covered with greenery and mist.

The highlight of the trek is the Beak Rock, which is a huge rock that protrudes from the edge of the hill, resembling the beak of an eagle. The rock offers a panoramic view of the landscape below, and it is a popular spot for photography and selfies. However, be careful while standing on the rock, as it is very narrow and slippery, and there is no safety railing or fence.

Another attraction of the trek is the Lakshmi Narasimha Temple, which is an ancient temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu in his half-man, half-lion avatar. The temple is located at the top of the hill, and it is believed to be more than 1000 years old. The temple is a simple and elegant structure, with a stone idol of the deity inside. The temple is also surrounded by a pond, which is filled with clear and cool water. The pond is a great place to relax and refresh yourself after the trek.

Places to See at Avalabetta

Apart from the trek, there are some other places to see at Avalabetta, which are equally beautiful and interesting. Here are some of them:

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Sunrise and Sunset Points:

Avalabetta has two points, one on the east and one on the west, from where you can witness the spectacular sunrise and sunset. The sunrise point is located near the temple, and the sunset point is located near the beak rock. Both the points offer a mesmerizing view of the sky changing colors and the sun rising or setting behind the hills. The best time to visit these points is between 6 am to 7 am for the sunrise, and between 5 pm to 6 pm for the sunset.

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Cave Exploration:

Avalabetta has some natural caves, which are hidden and mysterious. The caves are located near the temple, and they can be accessed by a narrow and steep path. The caves are dark and damp, and they have some rock formations and carvings inside. The caves are a great place to explore for adventure seekers and history buffs, but they are not recommended for claustrophobic or faint-hearted people.

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Bird Watching:

Avalabetta is a paradise for bird watchers, as it is home to a variety of birds, both native and migratory. Some of the common birds that can be spotted at Avalabetta are peacocks, parrots, eagles, kites, kingfishers, woodpeckers, cuckoos, and owls. The best time to spot these birds is early in the morning or late in the evening, when they are most active and vocal. The best place to watch these birds is near the forest area or the pond, where they come to feed and drink.

Best Time to Visit Avalabetta

The best time to visit Avalabetta is between October and March, when the weather is pleasant and comfortable. The temperature ranges from 15°C to 25°C, and the humidity is low. This is also the ideal time for trekking, camping, and sightseeing, as the hill is lush and green, and the visibility is high.

The summer season, from April to June, is not a good time to visit Avalabetta, as the weather is hot and dry. The temperature can go up to 35°C, and the humidity is high. This makes the trekking and outdoor activities uncomfortable and exhausting, and the hill is barren and brown, and the visibility is low.

The monsoon season, from July to September, is a mixed bag for visiting Avalabetta. The weather is cool and wet, and the hill is covered with mist and fog. The trekking and camping can be challenging and risky, as the trail is slippery and muddy, and there is a chance of landslides and leeches. However, the hill is also very scenic and romantic, and the pond is full and fresh, and the birds are abundant and colorful.

Attractions near Avalabetta

If you have some extra time and energy, you can also visit some other attractions near Avalabetta, which are equally worth exploring. Here are some of them:

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Gudibande Fort:

Gudibande Fort is a historical fort located about 20 km from Avalabetta, in the Gudibande town. The fort was built by a local chieftain named Byre Gowda in the 17th century, and it is inspired by the Madhugiri Fort. The fort is situated on a rocky hill, and it has seven levels of fortification, with several watchtowers, bastions, and water tanks. The fort also has a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, and a pond called Byre Gowda Kola. The fort offers a splendid view of the town and the lake below, and it is a great place to visit for history and architecture lovers.

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Lepakshi Temple:

Lepakshi Temple is a magnificent temple located about 30 km from Avalabetta, in the Lepakshi village of Andhra Pradesh. The temple was built by the Vijayanagara kings in the 16th century, and it is dedicated to Lord Veerabhadra, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. The temple is famous for its exquisite sculptures, paintings, and carvings, which depict various scenes from Hindu mythology. The temple is also known for its architectural wonders, such as the hanging pillar, the monolithic Nandi, and the giant footprint. The temple is a must-visit for art and culture enthusiasts, and it is also a popular pilgrimage site.

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Nandi Hills:

Nandi Hills is a popular hill station located about 40 km from Avalabetta, in the Chikkaballapur district. The hill is named after the Nandi, the bull mount of Lord Shiva, and it is believed to be the origin of the Arkavati, Palar, and Pennar rivers. The hill is a favorite destination for nature lovers, adventure seekers, and photographers, as it offers some amazing views, activities, and attractions. Some of the things to do at Nandi Hills are trekking, cycling, paragliding, zip-lining, and bird watching. Some of the places to see at Nandi Hills are Tipu Sultan’s Summer Palace, Bhoga Nandeeshwara Temple, Yoga Nandeeshwara Temple, and Nehru Nilaya.

Where to Stay at Avalabetta

If you want to extend your trip to Avalabetta and spend a night or two, you have some options for accommodation. There are no hotels or resorts at Avalabetta, but there are some homestays and campsites nearby, where you can stay for a reasonable price. Here are some of them:

Avalabetta Homestay:

Avalabetta Homestay is a cozy and comfortable homestay located about 5 km from Avalabetta, in the Mandikal village. The homestay offers spacious and clean rooms, with attached bathrooms and basic amenities. The homestay also has a common dining area, where you can enjoy delicious home-cooked meals, prepared with fresh and organic ingredients. The homestay also arranges for bonfires, barbecues, and cultural programs, to make your stay more fun and memorable. The homestay charges Rs. 1500 per person per night, which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Avalabetta Campsite:

Avalabetta Campsite is an adventurous and exciting campsite located at the base of the hill, near the trek starting point. The campsite offers tents, sleeping bags, and mattresses, along with common washrooms and toilets. The campsite also provides a campfire, music, and games, to keep you entertained and warm at night. The campsite also serves hot and tasty food, cooked on the spot, along with tea and coffee. The campsite charges Rs. 1200 per person per night, which includes dinner, breakfast, and camping equipment.

Tips and Tricks for Visiting Avalabetta

To make your trip to Avalabetta more enjoyable and hassle-free, here are some tips and tricks that you should keep in mind:

Carry enough water, snacks, and sunscreen, as there are no shops or cafes at Avalabetta.

Wear comfortable shoes and clothes, as the trek can be steep and slippery at some places.

Avoid littering or damaging the natural beauty of Avalabetta, and respect the local culture and customs.

Carry a camera or a phone, as Avalabetta offers some amazing photo opportunities, but do not risk your life for a selfie.

Book your accommodation in advance, as there are limited options available near Avalabetta, and they can get full during peak seasons.

Plan your trip according to the weather and the season, as Avalabetta can be very hot in summer, very wet in monsoon, and very cold in winter.

Avalabetta is a hidden gem for trekking and nature lovers near Bangalore, as it offers a refreshing and exhilarating escape from the city life. Avalabetta has something for everyone, whether you are looking for adventure, spirituality, or relaxation. Avalabetta is a place where you can connect with nature, yourself, and your loved ones, and create some unforgettable memories.

So, what are you waiting for? Plan your trip to Avalabetta today, and discover its beauty and charm for yourself.

Avalabetta Reviews

We started our Journey from J. P Nagar bangalore towards Avalabetta .. This was our first visit to Avalabetta so after browsing and taking notes about how to reach. It was easy after we reached palace ground it's one straight road from there you would reach a diversion to Hyderabad do not take it go straight., if hungry you would find few places to eat on the way, do carry few things to munch.. Like they say 'better safe than Sorry' use GPS to locate Peresandra you would see a board indicating the same, right before a tiny underpass take a service road to your left n after a good amount of travel you would reach Avalabetta trust me the scenic beauty one sees and feels is unmatched. Approximately 9 km from the hill you will be welcomed with a neat well maintained winding road that will take you to your destination. On top of the hill right after you climb the steps you would find a temple where believers come n worship and stay at peace. Once you reach the temple you can either take the steep rocky stairs on the left to the top of the hills where u can sit n feel the wind and for those with adventurous heart can even climb to the tip n talk to the clouds. And there are few who even climbed down the rocks which I did not attempt. Now let's follow the rock pathway to the right of the temple. This road will lead you to a much safe n relaxed part of the hill which also includes a famous part where one can sit on the edge of the cliff like he/she s dangling in air.. (like literally) I'll share the pic you see for yourself. After loads of pics n mini heart attacks seeing people hop around like monkeys and real monkeys chasing us when u start munching food. We decided we head back home. Before it's dark as it was cloudy already.
This was a hidden gem all this time. This is a small and beautiful get away from Bangalore where you can witness the scenic beauty of nature It's just 90kms drive from Bangalore city and this place is not much crowded either, comparatively to Nandi hills. This is located near Chikkaballapur opposite deviation of Nandi Hills. This is famous for the suicide point there. People take photos and click pictures here sitting/standing on that suicide spot. Well the bad news is government has put a barricade to avoid any kind of misfortunes. But other than these you can come here with your family or friends packing a good lunch and spend time over here or you can come here alone if you want to sit in silence as the area is vast. It has become a new favorite off beat destination now a days. So better try it and it's a treat for nature lovers, and you get to see a blissful sunset over here. And for those who like biking, this is a place to go. There are other destinations you can visit from here that is Nandi hills, Vivekananda water falls and lepakshi which is 1.5 hours drive from here. So do try this. This is Anvitha Bellamane signing off I'll be back with more of my travel stories so keep traveling and EXPLORE.
ऐसा एक विकल्प है अवालाबेट्टा किला- जो अभी भी पर्यटक की नज़ारों से दूर है। अवालाबेट्टा किला कर्नाटक के चिकबल्लापुर जिले में है और यदि आप खतरनाक स्थानों को एक्स्प्लोर करना चाहते हैं तो यह आपका अगला गंतव्य हो सकता है। खोजकर्ताओं और साहसकारों के लिए, अवालाबेट्टा किला वृद्धि के लिए पर्याप्त अवसर प्रदान करता है। और पौराणिक कथाओं में गहरी दिलचस्पी रखने वाले लोगों के लिए पहाड़ी के ऊपर एक छोटा मंदिर है जिस पर किला है और पुजारी आपको इस जगह के पौराणिक महत्व के बारे में बता सकते हैं इसलिए उनसे ज़रूर बात करें। चित्रों पर एक नज़र डालें चट्टान किनारे पर एक छोटा सा पूल भी है। लेकिन यह ऊँचाई पर बाहर निकल रहा चट्टान है जो आपके हिम्मत को टटोलेगा।
Located around 20 km from Chikaballapur, Avalabetta is a temple hill offering spectacular views of the surrounding terrain. The winding road goes through a dense forest and takes you to the hilltop. However, this is not exactly the summit. From here, you must climb the steps to reach the Hanuman temple. From this temple, if you take a rightward trail, you reach the most photographed spot around Bengaluru. A rocky cliff hanging midair! This spot has been closed by the local authorities for safety reasons. So, do not try to be adventurous. If you continue climbing up from the temple, you reach the summit, which has another temple. From here, the views are picturesque, and the wind is soothing. Overall, this is a perfect alternative to Nandi hills, if you are looking for an easily accessible hilltop without much crowd and chaos. Distance from Bengaluru: 93 km Difficulty level: Easy Time for ascent: 30 min
One such alternative is, Avalabetta F ort- which is still relatively low on the tourist radar. Avalabetta Hilltop is in the Chikballapur district in Karnataka, and if you like to check out dangerous places, well, this could be your next destination. For explorers and adventurers, Avalabetta hilltop offers enough opportunities for hikes. And for people with a keen interest in mythology, there's a small temple on top of the hill on which the fort lies and the priest there can enlighten you with the mythological significance of this place, so make it a point to speak to him.Have a look at the pictures: There's also a small pool on the cliff edge. But, it's the rock jutting out over the high drop that will test of nerves.
Photos of Avalabetta
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