A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead

24th May 2019
Photo of A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead by Lavanya Ramasamy

Well, this is for people who wants to live life and to know that world is mysterious in its own way, be it the nature or the people around us.

This post is about the best moment of my life when I get a chance to see the live crater and the astonishing beauty of lake batur sandwiched  between a volcano and  mountain abang amidst the glory sunrise view. If u have bucket list as Bali and definitely this is a must try folks. 
To trek to Mount batur, you can ask a local guide tour  and they will charge u around 3500 - 5000 inr/person for the trek, where u will be given a guide to trek along with you.
Since the temperature will be low ,you are advised to take a jerkin/thermal suit since the trekking  starts at 2.00 AM. ( I for one thought that since its a volcano and it will be hot and ended up shivering and nausea :-) )
It was my first time climbing a volcano with a torch light in hand and literally I couldn see anything on my way except the erupted lava which imprints it's way,back 2000. It is advisable to carry water/liquid juice as you may get de hydrated on the way.  For people who find trekking difficult there is half way road connectivity where 2 wheelers can be taken for rent and you can ride half way the mountain . But still at last you have to climb to see the sunrise or for the matter to see the crater. There are three level points to see the crater and sunrise. In first point you can see the sunrise view.  In second point where most people stay to view the sunrise as it gives a picturesque view and u fill find a small Crater to see which smokes hot fumes. The last point is the top of the volcano and the crater is literally big than can u imagine and the whole lot of nature scene is the wonderful creation of God. But to reach there more stamina is needed since you have to climb more and if u don't want to miss the sunrise and want to reach the top, it's better to start early.

There is also a small tea shop where u can quench ur thirst . In this mount batur, people as their religious belief throws animals or their belongings as an offering and worship to the fire God. This festival usually is celebrated at month long Hindu festival. People around the village comes to do this offering. This festival is specially practiced at mount Bromo in java where around 30 VILLAGE people come together and throw their valuable offerings to the mountain.
One of the fun part to mention is the monkeys which is human friendly and they get on to your back if u have enough eatables in ur pocket or hand. So monkeyphobia people has to be aware of it.

Next In order to continue our adventure we decided to visit the island of dead. This is the eerie part of our trip. The island is located on shore of lake batur and foot of mt.abang . The traditional Island is called Trunyan.  Some way old religious  People still  tells about the gory of the island  as the story unfolds that dead body is found hanging in the riverside trees and that the village is strictly forbidden for outside people in order to make it remote. But with a help of our tour guide and little persistence we decided to give a try to unfold the mystery. We took a ferry boat and drove.you can reach within 30 min time to the village.  It will be better if you go along with a local as you can know more information about the village . After exploring, not true to the facts that the people are abandoned from the outside world. In fact the people are same friendly and they welcome tourism as it gives an additional income to them. If your lucky enough you can see the dead body not cremated and covered with their favourite jewels dresses and more. They allow the body to decay under the banyan tree  with open cage and once decayed they take the skeleton and place it under Taru Menyan(banyan tree).One interesting fact is that when u visit the island you Don have to worry about the decay odour as the Taru Menyan tree exudes a fragrance that makes it decay odour free.
So if u want to explore Bali with a lot more fun and you are the adventure one who doesn't faint when seeing a skeletal army ,then its a definite green signal.  Since im chicken hearted ,i couldnt put myself further to explore the village as i was already half dead trekking the volcano and ravenous. Our day ended finally with a south indian biryani which is located at seminiyak. Rest of the night was  peaceful.
Note : you can also choose to trek before the day u leave bali ,as you will feel exhausted trekking or maybe not, just in case.

Photo of A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead by Lavanya Ramasamy

Near the crater

Photo of A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead by Lavanya Ramasamy

Human friendly

Photo of A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead by Lavanya Ramasamy

Co partners along the ride

Photo of A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead by Lavanya Ramasamy


Photo of A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead by Lavanya Ramasamy

Down the hot smokes

Photo of A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead by Lavanya Ramasamy

Worship in the volcano (cave god)

Photo of A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead by Lavanya Ramasamy

Under Taru Menyan

Photo of A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead by Lavanya Ramasamy

Open cage

Photo of A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead by Lavanya Ramasamy

Yeyy! Finally

Photo of A Trek to fuming volcano and to Explore the Dead by Lavanya Ramasamy