having travelled with the family into the outback for the first time, I thought i would write about what I learned and provide some insights for other young families.
Travelling in the Australian outback can be a fun but gruelling adventure. Having a baby in tow makes effective planning essential.
Travelling in the Australian outback with a baby requires weeks, sometimes months of research and careful planning as most of the amenities that we have come to rely on for daily convenience cannot be taken on the trip.
This means that one has to take extra care in packing only the most essential items that can serve a range of purposes. Listed below are a few tips that will guide you as you prepare for your adventure in the Australian outback:
Get a good map
Australia is a country with a large amount of land mass, which means that there are usually great distances between two points of your journey.
A map will make it easier for you to take note of the famous landmarks that you should not miss and also predict the driving distance. Google will also be of assistance here.
You do not want to get lost in a remote area where help might take a long while when you have a baby with you.
Check weather and road conditions
The Australian outback has fickle and extreme weather conditions; the days are usually hot while the night is generally cold.
However, there might be rain during the day, which could lead to roads being closed. It is important to check the weather reports thoroughly before setting out each day in order to know what to expect.
Pack extra car supplies
It is a good idea to pack two spare tyres that are in good condition and a portable tyre pump. You should carry at least a 20-litre metal jerry can that contains extra fuel that you can store on the roof of your car.
This way, there is a minimal chance that you would get stranded in a remote place.
Pack adequate essentials
The essential things that you and your baby needs are food, water, warmth and shelter. Pack enough water, at least 5 litres per person for a day and non - perishable foods.
Protective clothing for both hot and cold kinds of weather, a sturdy tent and sleeping bags should be adequately packed.
Pack emergency supplies
A first aid kit is an essential item to pack as there will always be a need for it. Store bandaids, insect repellent, analgesics like children's Tylenol, soothing balms, allergy drugs and other essential items in a small portable bag.
There can be another bigger bag for items needed to treat major injuries like snake bites and wounds that involve bleeding. As you might not come in contact with a health facility for a long stretch of days, it is crucial to be adequately prepared for any medical emergency.
Protect your child
As most of your travelling will be by road, it is vital to ensure the safety of your child by investing in a baby car capsule.
The car capsule is a light and portable device that you can use as a car seat, and you can also use it to move your baby around comfortably once you reach your destination.
Sun protection
During the hot days, the sun is always extremely harsh. You have to ensure to pack sunscreen that is safe for children, check the ingredients thoroughly to ensure that it does not contain anything your child might be allergic to.
Invest in a decent sunhat, sunshade or a back carrier for added sun protection.
Seeing as you might travel for days without coming in contact with another person, it is wise to invest in a satellite phone or high-frequency radio.
You can also give your itinerary to a friend or family member; they would be able to contact rescue services if you are unreachable.
Despite the risks and harsh weather conditions, travelling in the Australian outback can be a gratifying and memorable experience for your family as long as you are well prepared for the trip.
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