I heard and read about this city in 2015 and always had a curiosity to visit this place someday. That someday happened to be early ‘2019’. Finally, I was glad as I was getting the chance to come here, and spend some time experiencing the true life. And I was like: Auroville it is...!!
What to know about Auroville?
Auroville (meaning the city of dawn) is an experimental spiritual community with a population close to approximately 2000, housing residents from 43 countries. Auroville initially had a 20 Kms of wasteland, which lied in both Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu. In 1968, the land was bought by French lady who was called "The Mother" (Mirra Alfassa) and was the successor to "Shri Aurbindo" a well-known spiritual leader. And today, Auroville showcases "the symbol of unity" where everyone from all creed and classes are welcomed.

The Matrimandir is the centerpiece and the soul of the Auroville city. The orb made of gold took 37 years to build. It is a symbol of spiritual significance to those who practice integral yoga, a philosophy which was practiced by Shri Aurobindo and “The Mother” here.

Visiting Time:Monday – Saturday: 9:00 Am – 4:30 Pm
Sunday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Entry Fees: Its free
Visit to the Matrimandir
At the visitor centre in Auroville, travellers are required to watch an interesting 10-minute movie about the town and The Mother’s vision for this utopian and peaceful society. Before watching the clip, you’ll receive a free signed visitor pass to head to the viewing point. This pass does not however allow you inside the Matrimandir as it is not supposed to be tourist attraction but instead it’s a place for mediation only for people who believe in the Aurovillian philosophy. However, if you want to go inside the matrimandir, then you either need to stay longer to apply for pass or can also apply 3 days in advance.
It’s a 15-minute shaded walk to matrimadir viewing point. Although, they say it’s a this is shaded, but it’s actually too hot. If you are not able to walk than their shuttle services which will transport you to the viewing point for free. When you reach the viewing pint, it’s really very serene and peaceful. You feel such a energy in this place.

Places to eat at Auroville
There are lot of eateries around Aurovilee city. Some of the cafes includes:
Aurovelo Cafe, Auroville Bakery, Aurelec Cafeteria, Happy Food Restaurant & Market, Jolly Kimbap, Ganesh Bakery & Cafe, Dreamer’s Cafe, Farm Fresh Cafe, Eateries Frites Corner, Kipaak Farmer’s Café, Well Café, Le Morgan, and more

Best time to visit Auroville
October to February is the best time to visit this place as the region experiences really hot days throughout the year.
Insights for Visitors
1. To get around the Auroville, the easiest way is to rent a Activa for 300 rs per day
2. Visit the Auroville Guest service tofind out all the avaialble workshops, cultural programs, and fesitvals
3. Apply 3 days in advance for the pass if u want to go inside the Matrimandir
4. If u planned to stay at Auroville, then live cashless and get an Auro card
5. Stay among Aurovilians at akra
6. There is a sandy beach near Auroville, on the other side of ECR (Auro beach). It is not the cleanest of beaches, and usually pretty crowded.
I think it was the sense of freedom, that irresistible sense I got when I visited Auroville. I was really amazed with everything about this community and really wished that I had more than 1 day so that I could stay here and learn more about this special part of the world and contribute in some way.