As the travel quote suggest- Don't listen to what they say, go see!
Travelling gives you a chance to see what you have not seen before, meet new people and learn new Cultures. So it leaves you speechless then turns you into a story teller.
Few reasons traveling makes you Happier person are:
1. You start valuing your family. Because as you travel and stay away from home you start realising how much your family members love you, you start missing them how they take care of your small little things in life. So when you go back home you start spendingmore time with them which makes your family members happy and vice versa.
2. It widens your knowledge and perspective. Sticking only to books and televisions will give you the theoretical understandings but when you actually travel you get the look and feel insights of the world that you live in and makes you more confident with knowledge which automatically brings happiness in your life.
3. Travelling is a best medicine for stress in your work life. Being workaholic is good but sometimes its okay to break your BOSS heart and take a break for your work and live a me time to rejuvenate yourself. When you travel and relive your stress you become more productive in your work by which you can impress your BOSS again and be happy.
4. Travel solo and learn to live alone. Traveling with families makes you Happier but sometimes travel solo to come out of comfort zone and fight with your fears. It will test your limits and will give a skill to handle you life adventures in uncertainties which leaves your Happier and confidant in life.
5. Traveling will give you memories which money can't buy. You will have stories to share with your friends, families and your loved one which turns you into a knowledge sharing person and the more you share the more you become Happier as ''Sharing is caring''. The best gift for yourself for retirement.
Happy Blogging! Happy Reading!