Hey Guys, Planning a trip to Vietnam in 2020? Check out some facts about the Golden Hands bridge to decide if it would be on your travel bucket-list or not. Lets get to know what is the location of the hand bridge, how to get to hands bridge from Hanoi, and is it worth visiting if you are on a budget trip to Vietnam, essentially when you want to cover the best of Vietnam in limited time.
Very famous "The Golden Bridge" is situated in the mountains, Ba Na Hills near Da nang city in Vietnam. The 150-meter-long pedestrian bridge was built in 2018 as a part of the Fantasy park (amusement park ) in Ba na hills.
How to get to golden bridge Vietnam: You can take a bus/taxi from Da nang city and then you have to buy the ticket for the cable car that will take you to the hill. I took a day package tour from hoi to Ba na hills I did not stay in Da nang.
Why You should definitely Visit The Golden Bridge?
- New Architectural Piece/Masterpiece
- You like Fantasy parks
- You are going with kids
- No time and Budget Constraint
-want to experience cable car ride up to the hill
Why Should you not Visit the hand bridge?
- Not a cultural or historic place
- Not value for money [if you are on a budget trip]
- Its an amusement park published on social media in order to attract tourism
-over crowded
I personally would not prefer visiting this kind of place on my travel if I have enough information in hand. I already had the cable car experience to an altitude of 4600m. Also, You will require a whole day to make a visit to the place and come back.The bridge is always overcrowded and you would have to struggle to take a nice picture :D
A visit to the Ba na hills will cost you between INR 5,000 to INR 8,000 per person, depending on from where you are visiting and how you plan your day in the Park/hill.