on the bank of the river Pennar. It was 31st Dec 2014 morning, we were having tea and want to celebrate this year in adventure way rather than going to the pub and dance. So Gandikota came across in our mind and we started packing the bags around 11 am. Then we went for regular car checkup and after fuel station around 1:30 PM started from Vizag. We headed towards Vijaywada highway NH16. It's one of our favorite highway, we covered many places in and around this. There is a lot of beautiful small sightseeing places near to this highway.

On the way NH16.

Reached Vijaywada around 8:30 PM, had dinner and stayed in a hotel. Again morning around 8:30 AM we started for Gandikota. Our route was Vizag - Rajahmudry - Vijaywada - Ongole - Kadapa - Gandikota. It is almost 1000 KM from Vizag. Road condition is very good but it has lot of Tolls and trust me it is worth paying the Toll charges. You can see in photos the road and view is too good.
Almost we crossed 6 toll booth and charges are around Rs 100 to 150 per toll booth. Finally around 3 PM we reached Kadapa and stayed in Haritha Hotel. In evening we took walk in the city and enjoyed the bonfire in the hotel. Early morning we drove to Gandikota, it took almost 1.5 hours. Road was barren, you can hardly see any village people there. There is no network coverage unless you have BSNL post paid connection.We reached Gandikota and trust me the first view of Canyon was breathtaking.

After this I could not close the shutter from taking the photos. Never thought in India we have such beautiful places.

We stayed for 2 to 3 hours to this place. You can see wind mills and old temples here.

Due to cloudy weather, scenic beauty was more good and got nice photos. There is Haritha Hotel near to this place where you can get water, tea and food. For food, you need to give the order at least 1 hour before. After this, we started back to Kadapa and from there to Vizag. On the way back we crossed Nallamala forest road.

After driving for 927 Km almost we reached Vizag. In the middle, we took a lunch break at Vijaywada, Southern Grand. Food is tasty here.

The time we went there was a lot of water in the river Pennar so we got a nice view of Canyon. I have no idea how it is now. If you love driving and traveling then definitely this place should be on your list.
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