The Unforgettable Adventures of Three Girls in Jordan: A 9-Day Journey

Photo of The Unforgettable Adventures of Three Girls in Jordan: A 9-Day Journey by Karishma Shaikh

Whoever said "teen tigada, kaam bigada" has not travelled with two other kickass women ever. Embark on an extraordinary adventure through the captivating landscapes and ancient wonders of Jordan. From the mesmerizing Martian beauty of Wadi Rum to the iconic rose-colored city of Petra and the tranquil shores of the Dead Sea, this clickable itinerary will guide you through the must-visit destinations. Prepare to be enchanted by the rich history, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality of Jordan as you indulge in mouthwatering cuisine, explore hidden treasures, and create lifelong memories. Get ready for an unforgettable 9-day journey filled with breathtaking sights and quirky experiences!

Day 1 & 2: Wadi Rum - Land of Martian Beauty

Photo of The Unforgettable Adventures of Three Girls in Jordan: A 9-Day Journey by Karishma Shaikh

Kickstart your adventure in the enchanting desert of Wadi Rum, where the surreal landscape resembles scenes from another planet. Take a thrilling 4x4 jeep tour to explore the mesmerizing red sand dunes, towering cliffs, and vast open spaces. For a unique perspective, ride a camel through the dunes or soar above in a hot air balloon. As the sun sets, settle into a cosy Bedouin camp, immerse yourself in Bedouin culture, and savour a traditional dinner under the starlit sky.

Hotel recommendation:

Photo of The Unforgettable Adventures of Three Girls in Jordan: A 9-Day Journey by Karishma Shaikh

I recommend staying at the Wadi Rum Bubble Luxotel. Experience the magic of the Wadi Rum Bubble Luxotel, a truly unique accommodation in the heart of the captivating Wadi Rum desert. The transparent bubble-shaped rooms offer panoramic views of the vast desert landscape, allowing you to fall asleep under a star-filled sky and wake up to the beauty of nature.

Price/night: 360€ (32,000 INR)


The ticket price for entry into Wadi Rum is approximately 5 Jordanian Dinar (JD) (6 Euros and 450 INR). The tour ranges anywhere from 40€ (3300 INR) for a shared 6-12 people group to 80€ (6600 INR) for a private car.

Day 3 & 4: Petra - The Rose City

Photo of The Unforgettable Adventures of Three Girls in Jordan: A 9-Day Journey by Karishma Shaikh

Next, venture to the awe-inspiring city of Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the Rose City for its magnificent red sandstone cliffs. Begin your exploration by walking through the narrow Siq, a breathtaking gorge that leads to the iconic Treasury (Al-Khazneh). Discover the intricately carved facades of the Royal Tombs, explore the ancient theater, and hike up to the Monastery for panoramic views. For an added adventure, ascend to the High Place of Sacrifice and the Treasury Overlook.

As you enter Petra through the narrow Siq, a canyon-like pathway, get ready to be awe-struck by the grandeur that awaits you. The Siq itself is around 1.2 kilometers long, so take your time to soak in the atmosphere as you make your way toward the Treasury (Al-Khazneh), Petra's most iconic structure. The walk from the entrance to the Treasury takes approximately 30-45 minutes, depending on your pace and the time you spend taking in the sights along the way.

When embarking on your Petra adventure, it's essential to come prepared for an unforgettable exploration of this ancient wonder. One of the most crucial pieces of advice is to wear comfortable and sturdy shoes. Petra is vast, and you'll be walking long distances to fully immerse yourself in its wonders. Don't forget to bring a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun's rays.

Hotel Recommendation:

- Petra Nomad Hotel

Price: 50€ (4500 INR)


A two-day pass to Petra costs approximately 55 JOD (64 EUR / 5,300 INR).

Day 5: Aqaba - Gateway to the Red Sea

Photo of The Unforgettable Adventures of Three Girls in Jordan: A 9-Day Journey by Karishma Shaikh

Head south to the vibrant coastal city of Aqaba, where the Red Sea beckons with its vibrant coral reefs and crystal-clear waters. Dive into a world of underwater wonders as you snorkel or scuba dive amidst colourful marine life. If you prefer to stay dry, relax on the pristine beaches or enjoy exhilarating water sports such as jet skiing and parasailing. Don't miss a visit to the historic Aqaba Castle, dating back to the Crusader era. Indulge in fresh seafood at Tala Bay Fish Market, where you can savour the catch of the day.

Day 6 & 7: Dead Sea - Floating in Tranquility

Photo of The Unforgettable Adventures of Three Girls in Jordan: A 9-Day Journey by Karishma Shaikh

Experience the legendary buoyancy of the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth. Immerse yourself in the rejuvenating waters and feel the unique sensation of floating effortlessly. Pamper yourself with mineral-rich mud treatments, renowned for their therapeutic properties. Unwind at a luxury resort overlooking the serene turquoise waters and indulge in the mesmerizing views.

Hotel Recommendation:

HiltonDead Sea for a luxurious retreat. They have private access to the dead sea and it is worth it.

The ticket price: For access to the Dead Sea is approximately 30 JOD (35 EUR / 2,900 INR) if you are not staying at any of the resorts. There is also a free section that can be accessed but as The Dead Sea is the LOWEST point on earth, there is a bit of a hike to get down. Make sure to talk to the tea stall owners and they will direct you to the easiest route.

Day 8 & 9: Amman - Blend of Ancient and Modern

Photo of The Unforgettable Adventures of Three Girls in Jordan: A 9-Day Journey by Karishma Shaikh

Conclude your journey in the vibrant capital city of Amman, where ancient history and modernity merge seamlessly. Visit the historic Citadel, perched atop a hill, and soak in panoramic views of the cityscape. Explore the well-preserved Roman Theater, witness the bustling markets of downtown Amman, and immerse yourself in the local culture. Indulge in authentic Jordanian cuisine at Hashem Restaurant, famous for its delectable falafel and mezze. For a taste of international flavours, dine at Fakhr El-Din and delight in delicious Lebanese dishes. Take a moment to relax at the lush King Hussein Park or immerse yourself in the art scene at Darat al Funun.

Jordan Pass:

To make the most of your journey, consider purchasing the Jordan Pass. This convenient tourist pass includes entry fees to many of Jordan's popular attractions, including Petra and the Amman Citadel. Prices for the Jordan Pass start at 70 JOD (82 EUR / 6,800 INR) for a two-day visit to Petra, with variations based on the number of days and sites included. One of the advantages of the Jordan Pass is that it covers the visa fee for those staying a minimum of three nights in Jordan, making it a cost-effective option for travellers.

Visa Information:

Most visitors to Jordan require a visa, which can be obtained upon arrival at the airport or at border crossings. The cost of a single-entry visa is 40 JOD (47 EUR / 3,900 INR), payable in cash. However, if you plan to stay at least three nights and purchase the Jordan Pass, the visa fee is waived. It's essential to check the latest visa requirements and travel advisories before your journey to ensure a smooth entry into Jordan.

Jordan uniquely blends captivating landscapes, ancient wonders, and warm hospitality. This 9-day itinerary takes you on a journey through this remarkable . From the captivating beauty of Wadi Rum to the intricate facades of Petra, and the tranquil experience of floating in the Dead Sea, each destination promises unforgettable experiences. Indulge in delicious cuisine, stay in charming accommodations, and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Jordan. So, pack your bags and get ready to embark on this extraordinary adventure through the captivating land of Jordan. Bon voyage!