GIR…probably the best maintained Jungle in India; one and only home for both Asiatic lions and Indian leopards. They have increased the lion population from almost extincted two figures to 411. Do make sure you get the morning safari as its the best time to spot wild life, or you got to have a luck like us, because we were exceptionally fortunate to spot both lion and leopard.
Interestingly the lions once thrived up-to Greece. They are different from African lions. Difference are, the lesser prominent mane on male, the dangling skin below their bally and the most important, their social behavior. They keep smaller herds with lesser population and a short spree of male. My luck with feline worked. यूँ तो सिंह जंगल के राजा है and Asiatic lion is special and rare at the same time. But what makes spotting Indian leopard memorable is its shyness, its sheer agility, it being quickest mammal in jungle.
उसका दो क्षण के स्वरूप का व्याख्यान पूरी किताब भर सकता है।
उसकी लंबी पूंछ जो की उसका संतुलन बनाती है। When we saw him, his dark spots were still visible on it’s dirt ridden body. उसका उज्ज्वलित स्वरूप जो की रह रह कर झाड़ियों में ओझल हो रहा था। ये कुछ ऐसे विन्ह्गम द्रिश्य थे जो की मैं कभी भूल नही सकता।
Don’t forget to spot the rare birds here. Staff really love jungle, it’s serenity,it’s tranquility. I think that’s the reason Gir is most prestigious jungle in India.
Interestingly, there is an African tribe known as Siddi, which is living in jungle and also out of it. This excerpt has been added lately after I did read and saw more about Gir. Its very important to document it to make it more composite. Siddi have come after East-African princess married to Nawaab of Junagarh in 18th century. It’s so amusing to see these natively African Gujaratis here.
The Maaldharis, second tribe is even more special. They have been living here since ages. The only tribe to thrive in Lions. They are beautifully cultured and constantly undertakes predators; challenge.
समुद्र, एक विशाल अंतहीन जल का भंडार, इन्सान के अहम को बहुत छोटा कर देने वाला, इसकी लहरें कुछ खास होती हैं। इनमे कुछ ऐसी ख़ासियत है कि
इनके किनारे पर समय की गति भी मानो तीव्र होने लगती है। लहरों का उतना बैठना जीवन को भी प्रदर्शित करता है। Sometimes waves unite and strike so hard, sometimes they counter each other.