i went for heritage walk ahmedabad city tour with group of photographers and travels and we started our journey from old temple at kalupur ahmedabad.
this tour going to showcase us old city and heritage places of ahmedabad. fun of tour is, its by walk so you can explore more if you are true traveler or photographer.

Above pic i was taken of house i found on my way of tour, most houses has this kind of heritage view of doors and entrances.

i was fall in love with this house because it was so vibrant and full with colors, each and every piece of house was made by unique way.

Every streets of house is called pol and every pol has above kind of structure to feed birds and those are also unique by every pols and best heritage part because now a days no one care for birds but years ago every street has this kind of structures to feed birds.

above photo was taken at Jama Masjid Mosque which was build in 1424 by ahmed shah, king of ahmedabad. it was last point of tour from total about 20 points in route of walk of ahmedabad tour.
How to go for heritage walk in ahemdabad?
Govt recently started facility for tourist and people for arrange heritage walk at very low fees at 50 Rs per person. you can book online at http://heritagewalkahmedabad.com/ or call them on toll free number 1800 233 9008.